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Meet Jesus in Prison Cell - Ron Zaucha

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"I had a vision there in jail about Jesus Christ ... and He appeared to me as real as you are. And finally I spoke ... I said, 'Well what do you want ?' And He says, 'you.' Yeah I said, 'You can't want someone like me. I've done creepy these things all these people, ..."

Meet Jesus in Prison Cell - Ron Zaucha. Shalom, this is the story:

Ron Zaucha:
"Well in a nutshell you lose your freedom. It affects your entire life, your entire being, your entire perspective."

Behind the bars of this California state prison, Ron Zaucha thought hope was lost forever. But today 20 years later he stands here as a free man in more ways than one. Ron was your all-american California boy, by all appearances his life looked normal but behind closed doors life was anything but.

Ron Zaucha:
"I experienced abuse, physical abuse, verbal abuse, um that was around a lot."

The abuser was Ron's father.

Ron Zaucha:
"I hated him for it and there was anything for it and I became spiteful to show him I can do life without him."

At 13 Ron started using drugs, by 15 he was dealing.

Ron Zaucha:
"In the 12th grade I became involved with some people dealing cocaine and I loved the cocaine industry."

Barely out of high school Ron had become a top dealer in LA.

Ron Zaucha:
"No came entertainment people, rock n roll stars, actors, athletes, then that became where the big money became into play. I became violent. I carried weapons guns everywhere I went. I had two best friends nothin less'n wherever I went they went with me."

Ron had become a big player in the drug game but as the years passed he could see his life slipping out from under him.

Ron Zaucha:
"I go fancy cars and had cash in my pocket and everyone worried about, where I want to go, what I want to spend for a long time. But very empty inside and eventually this starts wearing on you. So when it became the time, I wanted to quit, I didn't know how. And I just couldn't seem to get out of there."

Ron needed some kind of miracle to get him out of the game alive, insane. Ron's grandmother a devout Christian would talk to him about God, but Ron wasn't about to go to a God. He felt wouldn't understand Him even reject Him.

Ron Zaucha:
"So God to me was someone to fear and intimidate me and not want to really be with. I felt He would condemn me and judge me and not want me."

He picked up the Bible his grandmother had given him almost ten years earlier as a Christmas gift.

Ron Zaucha:
"I would put it down, pick it up for probably six eight months at a time. And then one night I was sitting in my house and I said, 'God, if you're really real, help me. I can't get out of this life. I'm stuck. I hate. I don't want to live anymore. If you're really real please help me. The following night i was arrested."

As Ron sat in the county jail waiting for his court date, something amazing happened.

Ron Zaucha:
"I had a vision there in jail about Jesus Christ ... and He appeared to me as real as you are. And finally I spoke ... I said, 'Well what do you want ?' And He says, 'you.' Yeah I said, 'You can't want someone like me. I've done creepy these things all these people, that I was stuff in my life.' and He said, 'I came for people like you.' And then when that happened I knew I needed to change my life."

That night Ron called his mother and grandmother who bailed him out of jail. The first thing Ron asked for was to be taken to church. It was Easter Sunday.

Ron Zaucha:
"Went down to the altar and dropped my knees and started crying. So I was just so such a mess. so I prayed ... a prayer to see Jesus Christ into my heart as my Savior. And that bring a moment, I was delivered from drugs immediately as well."

Although Ron had made a decision to turn his life around. He still had to face the consequences and serve time in prison for his crime.

Ron Zaucha:
"Mitigating prison who was doing a prayer group in my and my dorm as I got involved with him and I saw a power of prayer being answered to many men's live in prison."

When Ron a year later finally got out of prison.

Ron Zaucha:
"I called little buddy and mice to deal drugs with who was a Christian."

He invited Ron to a men's prayer group and there he would meet men who would become his mentor.

Ron Zaucha:
"So seven men came in in my life and then just disciple me in the things of the word prayer the Holy Spirit what I call discipleship. So God was teaching me humility and Trust. And so what I learned during the early on was ... who God is ? God is my provider. God is my sustenance. He says He need all my need and He does and He has and He is."

Today Ron is an ordained minister who says his purpose is right behind these prison walls. He shares the love and hope of Jesus Christ to both men and women incarcerated. His goal is to disciple them in the ways of God so that when they're released from prison they too can live a life of true freedom Jesus Christ.

Meet Jesus in Prison Cell - Ron Zaucha.

Ron Zaucha:
"Whatever you're experiencing you know God is greater. Whatever you're going through, God is bigger. And so how do they find their hope ? Well I tell them what I found. My hope was in Jesus and how He came into my life and gave me a new beginning, a new life and they could have the same thing."
  • Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. - (John 14:6).
Thank You and Jesus Bless you.

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