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Jesus Change Radically Atheist Doctor - Proof God Exist - Dr Gregg

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"Every other religion is man seeking God. Christianity's God seeking man. There's a real test for Christianity you call on Christ put Him to the test."

Jesus Change Radically Atheist Doctor - Proof God Exist - Dr Gregg. Atheist Doctor Converts to Christianity - Amazing Testimonial. Shalom, this is the story:

Dr. Gregg:
"That was going from one thing to the next. So you know I buy a new car and then when that didn't do it I'd go out and buy clothes or take a trip. And then I went through hobbies. you know. I did triathlons. I did running. I took up wine as a hobby. I mean on and on the list goes."

Dr. Gregg Zeeman was convinced he had everything he needed to find happiness, the successful career, the lifestyle but it never seemed to be enough.

Dr. Gregg:
"It was a combination of you're sad, you're empty and at the same time you're kind of angry and frustrated because you're thinking, well, why you know what's wrong with me ? you know. Why aren't I fulfill. Why don't I feel like I have achieved what I worked my whole life for and so you're embarrassed. You're not gonna tell anyone so you keep it inside and then what you end up doing is taking it out on other people."

He also had all the answers. His wife Ruth explained.

"He was good but he had a short fuse. He was arrogant. He was always right. He's the type of person, he's his own person, he's the boss, you know. He always did well as whole life. He was always number one at everything."

Gregg was quick to take issue with others including his Christian neighbors, who Gregg thought were giving his family the cold shoulder.

Dr. Gregg:
"I'm going to get a Bible and I'm going to prove to them that they're not practicing what they preach."

Gregg started reading the Bible and was shocked by what he learned.

Dr. Gregg:
"I realized that Jesus was claiming to be God in the flesh. The god man on earth. And I never heard that before. So that quickly got my attention because I realized if it did happen it was the most important event in human history and if it didn't happen then it was just a religious fairy tale that someone made up. So I quickly forgot about the neighbors and decided hey I need to find out if this really happened. I really got interested when I heard Luke's prologue where he says, you know, that he checked everything out because he's a doctor and doctors would normally disprove miracles not authenticate them."

While Greg's curiosity was academic Ruth had been on her own search for truth and accepted Christ as her Savior. She knew her husband needed more than a subject to study.

"I was worried about his salvation I would tell my friends in the Bible study. I'm worried about Greg you know he's never going to accept the Lord when I told Greg you know there's a place called hell and it's real and you know if you don't believe you might go there and I was praying for him I really was it got to a point where I was just like I give up you know I was like really I'm like God you've got it you got to do something."

Greg spent weeks studying and researching. He realized Christianity hinged on one event, The resurrection.

Dr. Gregg:
"I started for looking for every possible explanation that would say it didn't happen, you know. Did Jesus maybe He didn't die. Well that wasn't true, even in the Journal of the American Medical Association doctors had concluded that He definitely died. Maybe the Apostles stole the body. I mean maybe they were seeing hallucinations all these different theories but the problem was none of them were credible, none of them made sense. The only explanation from the historical facts the way it was set up with the Roman guards within everything was that the tomb was empty and he actually rose. The real thing that got me was the Apostle Paul because here's a guy he's Jewish he's killing Christians is nothing to gain what in the world could make this guy go and be the greatest evangelist ever. There was only one explanation and that was with that he saw the risen Lord Jesus Christ. So when I looked at the resurrection, looked at the evidence of these guys and they're changed lives, I said I have to believe it."

Now Greg had the answer or at least he thought he did.

Dr. Gregg:
"Christianity is okay you know He really did it and if you believe and he sees that you go to church and you're trying to do the right thing then when you die you'll go to heaven. I mean what more could there be."

Greg was about to find out it started after he treated a walk-in patient at work.

Dr. Gregg:
"I went in you know told him with the any questions to ask me and he was just staring me like dead in the eye and that's when he came out that have you accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and I about passed out I wasn't expecting that. And I all this other stuff was happening at the same time and look what how does he know why is he asking me this. Who is this guy ? I kind of just bolted out of the room and says I'll be right back, cuz I didn't know what to do."

A few nights later Gregg began thinking about his life.

Dr. Gregg:
"There were things and my wife that I, you know, wanted the change, you know, the anger, the frustration. But I didn't have the power to change. And so it just kind of all culminated where I just kind of broke down crying and asking God to forgive me. And basically just you know kind of repented of my sins and asked Him to change me and that I wanted to you know with a new life."

The very next morning Gregg noticed something was different.

Dr. Gregg:
"I was just like completely peaceful. I wasn't frustrated. I wasn't feeling angry. I felt content for no reason, so I quickly expected everything to dissipate and go back but as I began to live that day I realized okay there's something really different. So if I was different and feeling completely different. I had to have been changed or something in my biochemistry of my body had to be changed. I said well maybe somehow my antihistamine got switched out for something like valium. So I went and checked my medicines and of course you know that wasn't it."

Gregg found out why he felt different in the book of Romans chapter six.

Dr. Gregg:
"Basically what it said in there was that when you become a believer and get saved and the Holy Spirit comes into you which is something I was completely unaware of that the old person that you were somehow dies and then it cross-referenced that to Galatians 5:22 which talks about how the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness. And I'm like you know hey that's it that's that's how I feel I've got that list."

Later that night Gregg told Ruth what happened.

"It was a miracle to me because I didn't ever think that Gregg could ever change. He was suddenly concerned about other people which shocked me."

Gregg went looking for the patient who would talk to it.

Dr. Gregg:
"The problem was his name wasn't on the schedule anymore. I mean it was handwritten in ink and I knew exactly what it was and it's not there. And I checked for lIke the whole month and the guy basically wasn't there. His record was completely gone. There was no evidence that he ever came in the office."

Gregg says while there's no doubt the life death and resurrection of Jesus are true. The real proof is in his changed life.

Dr. Gregg:
"I would say since the day I was saved I've never felt alone. I've never felt empty. I've never felt all of that discontentment and stuff."

"I feel like I'm married to a different person. I feel like my old husband is not around anymore and I've got this new husband who's awesome."

For Gregg the truth is clear.

Jesus Change Radically Atheist Doctor - Proof God Exist | Dr Gregg.

Dr. Gregg:
"Every other religion is man seeking God. Christianity's God seeking man. There's a real test for Christianity you call on Christ put Him to the test. He won't just forgive your sins but He's going to change you right now. So that you know that it's true. That's a big difference."
  • Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. - (John 14:6).
Thanks You, Jesus Bless You.

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