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Quran Confirms Bible Not Corrupted Why Muslims Refute - Christian Prince

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It says, 'When there comes into them a messenger from Allah, confirming that which they possess of the book.' Do you see it ? How you can confirm what they possess, if it is corrupt and this is during the lifetime of Muhammad.

Quran Confirms Bible Not Corrupted Why Muslims Refute - Christian Prince. Shallom,

Hello everyone and peace of Christ to all of you. I got a question from a Christian who said to me, 'I am NOT a person who have a lot of knowledge and I don't have patient to debate Muslims.' And he asked me not to mention his name so we will keep his wish.

How I can prefer the Muslims. I refute them in very short way that the Gospel is not corrupted. And I decided to make a very short video to do that. So we don't want to waste our time let us prove to the Muslims that what they are saying to us is very funny and very stupid.

Number one, as you see in the screen the Muslims when they talk about the gospel and the Torah, they are corrupt. They are talking about the book of their God. So I wanted to put that in your consideration now right away when the Muslim says to you that the Torah and the Bible are corrupt.

You answer him right away saying, 'You mean the Torah of Allah and the Gospel of Allah are corrupt ?' so what is my problem, this is number one.

Because the Muslim when he makes an accusation, he is just shooting in the head of his God for this is the gospel of Allah and Allah should be responsible for protecting His book not a human being who died and rotten in the grave.

The person who is eternal He should preserve His eternal Word not the human. So when the Muslim, he said that the Gospel and the Torah, they are corrupt, they are forgetting a very important thing: that the Quran confirmed that those are the book of Allah, which mean it is the responsibility of their foolish God to protect that book. And if He could not do so this is not our problem. This is number one.

Number two: in the Quran we have tons of verses approving that the Bible and the Torah are not corrupted. But before we go there let us show the Muslims that the Torah and the Gospel or the Book of Allah as we mentioned. If you go in the Quran you will see tons of verses mentioning that, as an example just to make it short chapter 5 verse number 46, where it says that Allah, He sent the Torah and He sent the Injeel.

He sent the Torah and the Injeel, all right. So the quran confirmed that this is the book which is sent by Allah and this is a book which is the book of Allah and the muslims, he worked hard to prove to me that His god simply cannot protect His book.

So what is my problem. obviously this God, He is a fake God, because He should be the one who care for his book not a human being. A human being already is known to be corrupt and to be a sinner. A human being needs salvation. This is why a human need to put need to pray to God and need to worship God and need to appeal to God to forgive Him. So how you give the human being a book and you don't want to protect the book. When you know that the human being is a sinner and he is not trustworthy. Starting from Adam ending with every one of us.

So it's a very stupid argument, Muslims, they cannot get away with it if you ask them that question. Same time if you go in the Quran you will find that the Quran always speak about something very weird and kind of very, let us say, sometimes beyond imagination.

When the Quran speak about the Torah and the Bible, we will notice that the Torah and the Bible confirmed in the Quran all over.

And we sent to you the book confirming what is between your book between your hands. However the Muslims they can play with this and they say, 'Oh, He is talking about confirming what was with them at that time. Well, you know, like not that the Bible today.'

So we are going to show them. In a set of showing those verses we are going to show them different verse.

And when a book he came from Allah confirming what is with them ... What is what ? What is with them.

It says clearly that when Allah he sent a messenger who confirm what is with them, what is way them, not what was with them as they show you in the translation.

Muslims they lie when they translate. Mean to what is with them not was with them. You cannot trust a Muslim translation ever, but the Muslims in order to cover this issue here this weakness in the Quran, they translate it is as to what was with them but where in the world the word 'was' coming from.

If we change the translation, you will see verifying that which they have would you see how the translation change, and when they are come to them an apostille from Allah verifying that which they have, which they have at that moment at that time.

The Muslims in order to get away. The only game they play is to change the translation, hoping that you will not meet somebody who speak arabic. Read with me carefully and when there comes into them a messenger from Allah confirming that which they possess. They possess. It's confirming what they possess. I mean how a clear we can make it more than this. The debate is over.

Same time we can go we can check the interpretation for the Muslims to see what the interpretation will say and the Muslims right away, they will try you see ... I put a timer sorry for that. I put a timer for 5 minute and looked like my 5 minute is over. The 5 minute is over very fast.

Let me show you something else as long the 5 minute is over because I'm trying to keep it in the 5 minute.

If you go in the hadith you will see that Muhammad when he went to the Jews and the Jews actually they asked him to judge in about adultery, about fornication to see how much he knew.

Muhammad, he told them will you know what, it is written in the Quran written in the Torah so let me let me let us let us read in the Torah what it says. And then he called the the Jews to bring the Torah and Muhammad, he decided to take an oath on the Torah and to swear by the Torah. Read with me what Muhammad said.

Muhammad, He said, 'Bring me the Torah, read carefully.' A group of the Jews come to him and invited The Messenger of Allah to a place so he can be a judge between them. It's about a women committed fornication. A man and a women commit fornication.

So they pronounce judgment upon them. They place a caution for the messenger the question for the messenger of allah who said on it and said and he said bring the torah. It was then brought, he then withdraw the cushion from beneath him and placed the Torah on it, saying, 'I believe in thee and in Him Who revealed thee.'

If you ask a Christian Prince, 'Christian Prince are you willing to take an oath on the Quran?' I will say, 'Over my dead body.' Why Christian Prince ? Because I don't accept the Quran to be the book of God, as simple as that. Additional to that I'm as a Christian I should not take an oath. I should say ... yay or nay nay.

However I will not accept in no way, in no time even to think about it to discuss or even to take an oath in a book like the Quran which is not approved by me to be the book of God. If Muhammad and the Muslims considered the book of the Torah is corrupt in this case it was the Torah, how Muhammad, he swear by the Torah saying, 'I believe in thee and the One Who sent thee,' unless he is a corrupt man, the man who believed and swear by a book which is corrupt he must be corrupt too.

So here in front of you we can find a very simple solution, how to refute a Muslim that the Bible is not corrupt. First number one you say to the Muslim that the Quran confirm that this is the book of Allah, sent by Allah and we mentioned to you verses, then you mention for them chapter 2 verse number 101, which is says that it confirmed what they have with them, what they possess, what they possess, not what they used to have as you see, confirming that which they possess.

And if you go to the interpretation you will see right away that is speaking about Mohammed. And then the debate is over. This is how you can beat them easy and you can find how you can show them that what they say is a stupid, and just to show you we are not making things up.

If we go to the interpretation for the Quran, chapter 2 verse 101 by Ibn Abbas, which is the cousin of Muhammad.

It says, 'When there comes into them a messenger from Allah, confirming that which they possess of the book.' Do you see it ? How you can confirm what they possess, if it is corrupt and this is during the lifetime of Muhammad.

I hope I gave you the answer. If you like to learn more about Islam please feel free go to and type my name and you will see the list of my books there. If you like to have handy reference so you can expose this cult easy and fast. And you know there's no Muslim can really debate you if you learn those books.

Feel free to download my video and share it with all your friends and this is how easy it is to defeat the cult of Islam.

Thank you very much for watching. May the Lord bless you all and remember always Christ, His name is a glorious even in Islam, even in Islam there is nobody dare to call himself Christ, but everybody can call himself Mohammed.

Nobody can call himself Allah. Nobody can call himself a Christ in Islam for a Christ is the mighty God of Islam but the Muslims trying to run away from the truth.

Muhammad he was a fake prophet who confirmed that Jesus is God even though he is a false man, but because he is a false man, he had no choice but to use the truth so he can deceive you.

So he used the name the glorious name of Jesus to deceive you. He use the glorious name of the Bible to deceive you. He used the great names like Moses, Abraham, Isaac to deceive you. People who were put poison in your dish. They put it in the favorite dish you eat, not in the one you hate. and this is what Islam is about. It's a poison but we know how to fight such a snake.

Thank you and may the Lord bless you all. Take care.

  • Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. - (John 14:6).
Thanks You, Jesus Bless You.

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