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God Is Love

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Muslim Admit Jesus Is Love, God And Messiah - Antonio Santana

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I didn't know who that figure was. Because I couldn't categorize Him. At that moment at Jesus Christ, but I had a impression that that was Jesus. I was trying to make sense of it at the same time I couldn't explain it.

Muslim Search For Meaning Leads To Christ. Muslim Admit Jesus Is Love, God And Messiah - Antonio Santana. Shalom, this is the story:

"Every little boy needs the image of his father the need to see that man that's who my dad is throughout my life I guess I was always searching for that father figure never had it"

Antonio Santana grew up never knowing his biological father.

"My mom was always at work that was always gone. So it's pretty much I kind of did what I want to do."

He had little direction in his life what managed to avoid the negative influences in his neighborhood.

"I picked up a basketball and being on the basketball court, played a vital role in my life and keeping drugs out of mind, keeping gangs out of my life, all that stuff away from me for a very long time."

But he couldn't avoid them forever.

"I made it all the way to my senior year in high school. And then that's when I started smoking marijuana, start hanging out with people I shouldn't have been hanging out with, getting in trouble, that I will skip classes to go smoke weed. It just went downhill from there."

Eventually he was kicked out of high school. There was no one to guide Antonio in his decisions certainly not his own family.

"They never really sat me down to tell me about myself to tell me that I was messing my life off. I wish they would've because maybe I would have avoided so many things later on in life. I went to doe number of times. The last thing you hear when you go to jail is that the sound of that jail cell close upon you."
"You're just trapped with their consciousness. You're trapped thinking that there has to be something more to life. I just void in my heart. I didn't know how to fill it. I couldn't fill it, no matter what drug, no matter what girl, no matter what nothing could fill that void in my heart. All that stuff is led me further into depression. I needed a change in life."

He found work at a local factory. It was there he began to search for God.

"I had a few friends that would smoke marijuana with me. They were claiming to be Muslim. They told me about it and so I was just like okay interesting. So when I got off work I went to the mosque. I was excited about going to the mosque. I want to learn about who God is or just little Arab man comes walking out. He has told me about Islam could change my life and that's what I needed the most. I needed a change in my life. I needed a change in my heart and that started off my different different journey in life. I stopped cussing. I stopped premarital sex. I stopped smoking marijuana. I had now a new identity and I was a Muslim."

He devoted himself to Islam, yet something was still missing.

"I was praying five times a day. But every time I knelt down in prayer it felt like I was praying to a brick wall. It felt like Allah SWT was not there. So that's why it made me more depressed, because even though I'm trying to be righteous. I'm trying to be religious. I just felt God further further further away."

He started having strange dreams.

"I dropped out swimming in a big ocean all by myself. And there was a Figure in the background sitting on a rock and He was fishing for me. I didn't know who that figure was. Because I couldn't categorize Him. At that moment at Jesus Christ, but I had a impression that that was Jesus. I was trying to make sense of it at the same time I couldn't explain it."

The dreams continued. One day on the street he met some Christian evangelist.

"One of the gentlemen, he gave me the Bible. He told me to read this one verse read it out loud and he pointed me to John 14:6. And when I read it, I was done. I read Jesus says, "I'm the way the truth and the life. No man - come on to the Father but by Me." I had no rebuttal I could not refute those sayings of Jesus. I said you know I'm seeking out the truth."

The evangelists prayed for Antonio to find the truth. He sought over the next few months. He struggled to understand Jesus.

"I'm really asking God does he love me because I'm tired of being depressed and I'm tired praying and I'm you know I'm God where are you yes I hear knock the front door and it turned out to be my uncle Ricky and he only says two things to me that's it he says the Lord yes and then he walks away I led me to look up the word love in the Quran and it was always based on the stipulation and then I looked in the Bible for the term love and it led me to Romans 5:8 God demonstrates his love for us while yet we're still sinners Christ died for us I read it guys demonstrated his love for me and that that love let his son to die for me I was like wow this God has to be the true God."

Antonio found what you've been seeking.

"I believed in the Jesus of the Bible. I had a sense of peace. I had a sense that no matter what happens in my life that wherever I'm headed God has my back. I just became so enraptured studying God. I want to tell everybody about Jesus."

He enrolled in Moody Bible Institute to learn more about the Word of God.

Muslim Admit Jesus Is Love - God And Messiah | Antonio.

"I want to serve in the church full-time to help people see their need for Jesus. To help broken families, tell minister to a lost and dying generation of fatherless generation. To be a big brother to the brotherless. That search for my father definitely was always a void in my life but the scripture is very true that God adopts us into His family. And He becomes our Abba Father. And I felt the love of God, and I felt, you know, I'd never felt knowing that. I was walking with Christ I never felt without."
  • Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. - (John 14:6).
Thanks You, Jesus Bless You.

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