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He Saw Second America Civil War and the True History of America from Heaven - Rick Joyner

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It said, 'The second American Revolution / Civil War is inevitable. It is right and it will be successful.' And then the dream ended.

He Saw Second America Civil War and the True History of America from Heaven - Rick Joyner. Shalom,


Hello, Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where it's naturally supernatural. My guests had a dream, where he saw the second revolutionary and civil war. He saw the history of the United States, but not from our perspective, from God's perspective. It was shockingly different. He saw our history, past, present and future. Interested?

Sid: You are know as a man that has prophetic dreams. You had a dream that resulted in five million books distributed worldwide. It was called the final quest, but you had a recent dream that you told me how important this was. Explained.

Rick: Well it was so dramatic and so important, their content, the message of the dream. I felt like in some ways my whole life had been a preparation for receiving this dream, for understanding it and for being able to convey it.

Sid: In a sentence what is this? What voice the essence of this dream?

Rick: Well then there were some really important factors in it, but one of them was I was able to see our US history from Heaven's perspective, and it was very different, radically different, you know. We say there's fake news. Well, there's fake history out there too that has been I think colored by prejudices, by political opinions and things like that. But this was our US history from Heaven's perspective, but also a revelation of God's purpose for our country.

Sid: Tell me a little bit about the dream.

Rick: Well start off I saw what I called 'Red Champions.' These were Champions, Spiritual Champions, that are being raised up to go after and pull down strongholds, major strongholds. And I would stand in line with these people, thinking I'm gonna get sent out. And an angel came up to me and said, 'No, come with me. You've got a different assignment.'

So I followed him and I went. And I was taken from this big device. It's hard to describe, but on this, on the face of it, I could see our US history from Heaven's perspective. And as I moved from left to right, just walking along in front of this, time progressed through "the Revolutionary War" through "the Civil War" and I knew that if I went all the way to the end of this, I would be able to see how I would be able to see our own times from Heaven's perspective.

So I saw things as I was walking in front of it, but my goal was I want to see where we are now and what does head are we see now from heaven, In Heaven's perspective.

Sid: And you actually saw the future in this stream. That's pretty exciting.

Rick: Well I did see some things, yeah.

Sid: Why do you believe God has entrusted you with such powerful endtime dreams?

Rick: Well, you know, almost every one of them, it seems is gonna be really controversial. When He gives me something, I'm not trying to build a ministry. I don't care if it affects that, I don't care. I want to be sure I'm conveying the message accurately. And I've decided I don't care what the message is. I'm going to give it.

I asked Him a number of times, 'Why do You always give me these real hard words?' And that's what He said, He said, 'I was meaning enough to actually share.'

Sid: You said another thing that was interesting. There are gonna be some deadly to the devil, that is intercessors that are raised up. And you were not in that particular line. So in other words that leads me to believe there are lots of roles in this endtime army.

Rick: Oh absolutely, absolutely. Now I think these Champions, if you will. I think they're the ones that Jude talked about or that are spoken of in look of Jude, quoting the Book of Enoch. They spoke about the Lord come in with these mighty ones. These are mighty ones they walk in extraordinary thority. I believe we're gonna see on a number of thousands actually who are gonna be doing the same things Jesus did.

They're gonna be walking in authority. I don't think we've seen since the first century. And they're champions but each one of them had a specific enemy to go after. And they were also told not to just defeat this enemy, they were told to destroy it.

Sid: Now give me an example of some of these enemies.

Rick: Well, I think like racism, bigotry, I think the whole issue of abortion, of child trafficking. There are things like that that are, you know. Many of these things were ultimate issues in our times, but it's what's at the root of them. You know, racism is built upon to the ultimate evils of the human heart, fear or pride, but pride leads to the fall and even God will resist the proud, but gives His grace to the humble.

But that's one of the things, the important issues, I think I saw in this dream of the way God or heaven saw our history and our purpose. For example, we thought we won the Revolutionary War and we won some things, but from Heaven's perspective the main purpose of that war was not getting independence from Britain but it was to establish a place where there was true where it was truly believed, demonstrated and lived that all men are created equal, and there is liberty and justice for all, not just some.

Sid: You're talking about even in our Constitution. It has to weigh, it was designed but it certainly didn't play out.

Rick: No, the Constitution didn't work for some races. It was you know it really turned out to be liberty and justice for some. And what I was shown was if we have, if the purpose, if we've gotten on track to fulfill our purpose after the Revolutionary War, there would have been no need for civil war, because there would not have been slavery, could not have been slavery in our country.

There cannot Act actually even be discrimination here. So we would have not needed the Civil War and if the Civil War had gone on to some of the ultimate purposes and accomplishing those, there would have been no need for civil rights move. They would we wouldn't have a lot of the discord that is rising again today because these ultimate issues have not been faced and destroyed, not just defeated but destroyed.

Sid: Is that why we're going to have this second revolutionary civil war.

Rick: I think that is one of the main reasons that there are others, but that is one of them. A key word that I saw of our purpose was Liberty. We were known as the American Republic, but it was the main thing was Liberty and then and justice for all, underlining all, but we're ...

Sid: You know what, I find interesting this, current millennial generation, their major word is we want justice, but the way they're going about it even though they don't know it, because they don't have the gray hair like we do. It's not gonna work.

Rick: Yeah, and it's not justice.

Sid: That's another subject. The second part of the dream, it showed where we are now, it showed the second revolutionary civil war was inevitable, right, and successful. What does this really mean? Stay with us.

Sid: Like your dream ended with a strong word from God about this war. What did God say?

Rick: Well, I saw it written in fiery golden letters. It said, 'The second American Revolution / Civil War is inevitable. It is right and it will be successful.' And then the dream ended.

Sid: Would it have been possible at a certain point to avoid the second Revolutionary Civil War?

Rick: I think so and this is a question I still have, because up until then I would have said yeah if you don't change your direction you're gonna end up where you're headed, and we are as a nation headed for another civil war, but plenty of time to avoid it, plenty of time for giant changes and things to get resolved. This changed my thinking, it's no, it's inevitable, it's not gonna happen without this. So now my excuse me ...

Sid: Will this occur in your lifetime, in my lifetime, in your lifetime. I believe it will. Now I wasn't given a date or timing on it. I have a sense and sometimes you get a sense from these things that, because of how dramatic they are. That it's imminent. But I do think it is we're moving towards this faster than I would have expected. Even since I had that dream in December I see things moving, they're picking up pace.

Sid: Now you said this war would be in the natural and in the spiritual. Tell me about both.

Rick: Well I think the degree to which we win the spiritual war. I think another Great Awakening is not just ... I think it's absolutely essential, and just like the first Great Awakening is linked to the revolutionary war, went to the civil war. There are things that are going to be illuminated, in the what I believe is already beginning, the third Great Awakening in America.

But I believe it's gonna illuminate things that can no longer be tolerated in our country. There's we fall into an old timid depravity according to isaiah of calling good evil and evil good honoring the dishonorable and dishonor in the honorable there's some things like that, that already we're at the place where there does have to be this resolution.

But we also I think to the degree that we can win the spiritual war. It can lessen the cost of the war in the natural. Now what I did see into the future were cities burning, not all of them, I just saw some. I don't know how that's gonna do ...

Sid: Did you recognize any of these cities?

Rick: I thought I didn't recognize them but I felt like I knew which ones they were.

Sid: Could you mention a couple?

Rick: You know my first one was Chicago. I felt like Chicago was one. I felt like New York was one. And again, you know, to what degree, you know, if we really took on first, you know. second Chronicles 7:14 - humbled ourselves prayed sought his face repented sorry and this comes upon land.

We may still have. I think we will still have another revolutionary civil war, but it doesn't have to be that devastating. I think to the degree that that has become a reality in our land with God's people.

He says if my people and we stand up for the truth, the way He's called us to and become defenders.

Every one of us is called to be a champion of the faith. A champion for His purposes, in His will. And His ways. I think it could greatly lessen both the devastation, the casualties and everything else from the conflict.

Sid: How bad was the devastation that you saw?

Rick: It was really bad. It was I know a lot of people of you ... war ... they think, bitch battles between armies. I don't think it's gonna be like that at all. I think it's going to be in neighbors against neighbors. It's gonna be in some ways much worse than the others.

Sid: I have to believe when you saw history from Heaven's perspective rather than ours. Wven you had a pretty good paradigm of God, but even your paradigm changed.

Rick: I was profoundly humbled by some of the ways. I had viewed history and our history and things, but one thing to that but really encouraged me in which I'm when I saw their worth in it will be successful one. Of our main ultimate purposes as a nation was Liberty, because where the Spirit of the Lord is there's Liberty and we were supposed to be a special place where the Holy Spirit could do whatever he wanted to do in our land.

Where He could move where we were truly solid on the foundation of our judeo-christian heritage. And I believe in the where I believe America scene in the book of Revelation. It points to our our roots and our foundational, purposes and where I believe we're gonna be ... I believe we're gonna be a nation where the Holy Spirit is especially at home.

Sid: We have a destiny and we haven't touched it yet a belief.

Rick: No we haven't and you know one reason I know when I share this with some politicians, where they think of - well the civil war they couldn't have fought these battles on these other things - you only have to fight one battle, but their thinking is all political.

Somehow we've got to get beyond thinking politically and we gotta take the leadership we've got to fight for the truth.

Sid: It's not a publican, it's the Christian that is going to be in the forefront in this war.

Rick: I think so. I did see a third column was all it a third column it's like a holy wasn't a third political party, wasn't political but it was a major force for influence in our country that drew the best from both sides. I believe that is supposed to be what the church is called to be.

Sid: Okay so you've got a little bit just just a snippet of this but the key question now Rick is: How do we prepare for what's coming? Next...


Sid: We know what justices is command perspective, but what does God believe for justice?

Rick: Well one thing He i believe is His heart for justice is He wants all people treated fairly. We've got to start seeing from a higher perspective. I don't think we can understand justice as you know when you just get down into the weeds of what is what you can do technically and trying to win cases on technical maneuvering and all rather than getting back to what is just, what is true, what is right, what is fair in this situation.

Sid: How do we prepare physically and spiritually for this war?

Rick: Well, you know, if in the cases of countries that know they're about to get invaded or something or there's about to be conflict. What kind of preparation would you do? I would be buying food, resources, all kinds of things to defend myself, my family, my ... There are things like that but think okay what we would be doing the natural apply it to the spiritual too.

You know, Bible studies and things like that because you know we were down there in the Katrina catastrophe and all that. They didn't have power or anything else we had to generate, we could have run videos. They would have watched anything we would have put on this thing.

We got to look at this as harvest time and we got to look at it from being able to reach our neighbors and help them and to me that means store an extra stuff thinking not just of ourselves, but being Joseph's storehouse being uh there are many ways that I think we need to prepare them natural, ut then do the same thing in the spiritual.

Sid: Give me a couple examples in their spiritual.

Rick: Well, like I said, I think of Bibles as the weapons of heaven. I think you know and the truth can be books it could be tracks and things like that, water, food, that's the Word of God and the ...

Sid: Are you and how do you prepare spiritually with your own intimacy with God?

Rick: Well I have a resolved that everyday I try to get closer. I try to take my thoughts captive resolved to turn all of my vain imaginations into intercession, where I'm not just wasting my time, wasting my mental energy, and in every way getting to know Him better, getting to know His voice better, being more obedient in every way that I can. But I want to know His ways not just as acts. And I've been in pursuit...

Sid: What does it mean I want to know His waves and not just His acts. What do you mean by that?

Rick: Well I don't want to just know what He's doing? I want to know why He's doing.

Sid: That whole thing of the American history is saw from Heaven's perspective. How you know the whys?

Rick: Right. I know some of them.

Sid: Right.

Rick: There's so much more I was given a glimpse. This whole thing is the most profound thing I remember in any dream like that but do I still know it's a glimpse. We all see in part, no one part. I believe I've been given access I can go back to that place and see more. And I will be shown where but I I consider all I wish I'm still just a tiny part.

Sid: You told me something and this is amazing, because anyone that understands the United States of America understands the debt we are under, but you told me you saw the end. You told me you saw the death situation of the United States. What was it like?

Rick: It was, there's a Jubilee coming and He's gonna pay all debts.

I am seeing the greatest awakening the world has ever seen. I am seeing the glory of God covering this earth. I am seeing people working in the same power that Jesus walking and even greater and that means you.


--- Thus Testimony From Rick Joyner ...
  • Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. - (John 14:6).
Love and friendship. Be passionate and love your fellow human beings regardless of their beliefs. Elohim Yeshua Hamashiach Bless. Amen.

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Sid Roth

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