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Meet Jesus in the Philippines - Chelsea Cepeda

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I saw Jesus sitting by a tree. He was like underneath a big tree like one of those kind of trees and He was by a river and He was sitting there looking at a river and in His hand ... He was holding a journal.

Chelsea Cepeda Encounter with Jesus in the Philippines. Shallom,

I'm Chelsea Cepeda and i'm 17 years old. Two years ago when I was 15, me and a couple people from my school went on a missions trip to the Philippines. It was my first like experience really far away from home without anyone for my family going.

I wasn't really super nervous when I left but once I got there it was like such a new experience and I remember the plane ride being so long. I decided that I was going to keep a journal of everything that happened throughout the entire time. I thought I was there I was going to stay there for five weeks.

So every single day I would write down all the events that happen to me that day or what stuck out to me in the day. I remember the first week that we were there it was really hard for me because it was just so new. I don't know, I wasn't used to being all the time with the same people. I miss my family and on the tenth day we were worshipping in one of the Chapel services and pastor Amu is praying for people and she came up and she was praying for everybody in the service who was worshiping while we were worshiping. And when she would come up to people she was going like this and sweeping her hand and they were falling in the presence of the Lord. She was like making her way towards me and I knew that she was going to come pray for me and I wanted to feel Jesus like that but I never had felt anything like that before. I had never fallen like that or anything.

I just didn't think I was going to. When she came she started to pray for me and I remember just like being ... like this ... like asking for the Lord to just like open my heart and she was praying for me and all of a sudden she went like this and I just like fell over in the presence of Jesus. When I fell over, I don't really remember anything after that all I remember is I fell asleep and I went to heaven with Jesus.

When I was in heaven I can like ... it's like distant things that I remember like little pieces of it. But He showed me a ton of different thing. I saw Jesus sitting by a tree. He was like underneath a big tree like one of those kind of trees and He was by a river and He was sitting there looking at a river and in His hand ... He was holding a journal. The journal was like old and torn up and so I went over to sit by Him. I asked Him what the journal was and when I asked He opened the pages and He showed flipped through all the pages of the book and on every single page it said .... I love you ... I love you ... I love you ... I love you ... over and over and over again. I was like so is this mean ... and He was like ...

"Every time that I wanted you to spend time with Me you did it or I wanted or I just wanted to talk to you or you just kind of didn't make time. I would write I love you in this book."

And I started to cry. And I was ... Oh my gosh I'm so so sorry and He was like, "No but it's okay I forgive you and I still love you so much."

I was naming that experience but afterwards it was just like so amazing to hear from Jesus that like no matter how many times we don't make time with Him or we don't like, you know because He created us like it made me think why ... why would we not spend time with him because like little He just created us so that we could be with Him in His presence to think that like after all that time that I just like pushed away or didn't make time that He still loved me the exact same.

Meet Jesus in Philippines | Chelsea Cepeda.

He still wanted me. The busyness of the world kind of got kind of like was getting in the way but just to make time for our Savior and the One Who loves all of us.
  • Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. - (John 14:6).
Thank You and Jesus Bless you.

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