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Muslim Lady Exposing Islam Embrace Jesus Live In Secrecy - Nina Follows Christ

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Another tip for your Muslims is don't turn to other Muslims for advice, they have the same mindset perspective Islam as you do. They're not going to give you a new insight. You have the tensions non-muslims so here why they have a problem with Islam.

Muslim left islam for Christianity. Muslim Lady Exposing Islam Embrace Jesus Live In Secrecy - Nina Follows Christ. Shalom, this is her testimony:

Hey youtubers, I hope that there are Christians watching this. I hope that there are Muslims watching this. Whoever else is watching it, you're also welcome and particularly these three groups that need to hear this.

I am Christian. I left Islam not too long ago and I understand what a case for Muslim to leave Islam. And why they ... most of them can't even begin to think about leaving Islam. Um and ... I was one of the lucky ones who had passed. There was quite difficult in terms of films, my web, my spiritual will being emotionally.

I was a child. I was a teen and an adult that was always been distressed virtually. And I hope you keep it answer a singe from a young age journals. I had a lot of problems for kids and mentally although it was nothing serious. I suffered from social anxiety. I had a sleep difficulties. I walked in my sleep. I had multiple visions, false things. I heard things that weren't there. And I would have times when I was extra depressed the sad, you know, in the slams. Although on the outside I looked pretty perfect in that in terms of I didn't in my life.

People would look at my family in which they were saying that this family is perfect because we really fulfilled all the criteria of what the world finds the perfect family. But on the inside were all very confused and yet identity crisis. And we're lost and we're all we were looking for kind of salvation that Islam didn't really offer. But we wanted to get close to it as possible and and this is going out this way and also coming from a family that was so loyal to their traditions cultural and religious traditions.

I mean from my teens from my life teen I started rebelling against a lot of these values that he had. Beginning of my twenties I hit rock bottom after I had failed at the exams in the university and this time was one of the most difficult time in my life when I was stuck in a rusted and get any further in terms of its my education or what job anything. And this was time when I a lost soul searching. I spent a lot of time trying to find the answers to my question. And at some point during this time I pray to God for clarity for truth that no matter what that meant I was ready to receive it

And God gave me this person that I met a man at that time who I fell in love with very hard can, you know, we clicked very well and this guy happened to be very very good with ... um ... history, theology, with politics, all kinds of things that can explain religion. And so we had a lot of discussions about that and through him I discovered that Islam is a lie and a Christianity is the truth because he, you know, him and I ...  we had debated and he would present arguments. And I would try to say counter arguments to why he was wrong in our sight.

And we kept you know having this dialogue until I realized that after many being offended many many times that I was wrong about Islam. And that there's something fishy, something fishy's going on here and then figure out. And not too long after that I found that his mom is alive and that Christianity is the truth. And really just press them out seeking. He had been he had been an atheist before but he had found Christ through someone who used very similar methods as he was using on me

And if I have understood correctly, I don't know that detail but I do know that the only method that really works and then I think would work on make them to see the truth about Islam is you have to speak up you can't be afraid to offend a Muslim. Most people who come from their race their race with honor cultures and all these tough values of Islam, that everything they do in life is driven by shame, fear, guilt and all these negative emotions.

You can't use some nice more politically correct tactic to shoulder the truth. You have to show them what it is as a the way you do so is you actually agree on that you're going to have these debate and it's kind of you you know you're going to show arguments and it's going to be with an objective point of view. You're going to approach it objectively with a scientific method. And you can have no redetermined assumption that lay anything. And really look at things as they are and then see what if what you think. If you can you know defendant or or not you deal with that later so you have to take these steps and a lot of people who claim thanks to Muslims didn't do it this way.

And I think that's one reason why you fail in doing and trying to show them the truth and a lie. And to Muslim if you have to not be afraid of questioning this source behind your fate. It's a really valid. It's a really hard evidence that Islam is the Word of God. Why are you sure about this ? You have to know you can't base your whole life and look on you know relying on something that you don't have sources for. You have to question it as long encouraged it's also not a question the source saying you have to trust if you can't trust things blindly. Because you know everything you do you have to know you're doing it. Because it's the truth.

I mean that's how you have to posted you can't be a person who blindly people really like blindly. Whatever you call it you can't do that. So you have to not be afraid. I'm going to help you know typically Muslims are Frankish if they in a question Islam they will go to hell. Even waiver in their faith, they will go to hell. Because if you really are that faithful and you realize for certain about your faith you shouldn't be afraid.

You would have counter arguments you would know how to defend your religion if it's perfect if it really from God. It will always be an argument and it's not a matter of that that they can't see the truth the ones who attack Islam no no. It's the matter that you can't hear there you cannot hear their arguments you cannot listen to the thing they have a problem with and respond to it with a good answer that's the problem. You've been taught what answers to give but you don't really hear what they have to say. And that's a huge warning sign for you.

Another tip for your Muslims is don't turn to other Muslims for advice, they have the same mindset perspective Islam as you do. They're not going to give you a new insight. You have the tensions non-muslims so here why they have a problem with Islam. If they're wrong your faith is going to be stronger. If they're right you're going to be led to the truth which may mean away from your fate.

But if you want to learn something new if you want to get a new understanding you can't go to people who understanding it the way you understand them. And lastly it can't be a chicken. You have to be brave if you want to know the truth. You have to face the uncomfort that comes with it. You can have to be ready to leave your family behind. I have to ... I had to block my own family and my relatives for my life. I had to flee from my home. And lay the secrecy and start from scratch pretty much no home, no money, and find a way to get that help from the government.

I am in that place today but I can tell you this it was worth it it was worth the fight because I'm doing it for something I know something I believe in something I am sure is the truth. Would you do this for Islam.

I really don't think so. I think Islam is very convenient when everything is fine. But you know just as well as I know that when things are the worst for you and your life is most difficult you actually leave or get away from Islam because Islam doesn't welcome in perfect people.

Islam teachers here that you're not you're not good enough. if you sin, you're not worthy of praying to God. If you do certain things you know worthy of even being in a household of the Muslim and then if you have if you have certain values you are to be cast out of the group and killed. But that's another story another time.

The point is you and I both know is that you would not do what I'm doing right now. Leave your family behind. Leave popularity, success, money, house, warm food on the table. Leave all that a lifetime of memories behind for Islam. Because you don't know why you believe in Islam you just do. That's a huge problem.

Thank you for listening. I hope to make more videos. But I want to know what to talk about in the coming video so please leave a comment and this in there here below and tell me what you want to hear more off and I'll see what I can do.

Muslim Lady Exposing Islam Embrace Jesus Live In Secrecy - Nina.

Thank you for watching. I'm now seeing in the next videos.
  • Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. - (John 14:6).
Thanks You, Jesus Bless You.

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