Capt Dale Black - Heaven Visit. IMAGINE HEAVEN - Capt. Dale Black Tries to Describe Heaven. Kesaksian Pilot Mengunjungi Sorga - Capt. Dale Black. Shallom,
I want you to hear from a man who has flown all across the globe. Our guest today is a TWA pilot, who's flown 17,000 hours and landed in about every major city on this planet. I want you to hear what happened when his plane flew 135 miles an hour into a 70 foot monument, no one survived except him. I want you to hear him describe flying into the holy city of God.
Watch this first:
For 40 years he has been a commercial pilot, flew for many years for major commercial airline. You stolen everything from 747s obsessed us. Everything in between at age 19, he survived a plane crash that killed the other two men in the cockpit. But you hit right near the top and then you free throw 75 feet even it 135 miles. Now there's a plane down at the bottom and the fact that you are standing as sitting across from me right now is amazing.
They classified it as non-survivable. There was some bystanders that came by and saw all three pilots laying there motionless and one was clearly dead. The other two appeared dead and there was fuel and toxic fumes everywhere.
You were severely injured that they rushed to the hospital. They didn't figure going to live.
I get into the emergency room. I'm literally away from my body, Jim. If that makes any sense, but I'm obviously not dead because I've never felt more alive. It's impossible to prove but one thing I can say is I've never been the same, my life has always beat on a different drum and it's because of this experience that we're talking about.
Help me welcome captain Dale Black.
You know Dale it's been so fun. We've hung out last day or so and just, you know, I mean you are a captain, you're an engineer mind and have run multi-million dollar businesses in the airline industry and yet this experience has defined your life, hasn't it ?
That's an understatement but yes it is.
Take us back to that day. That was the very plane that took the lives of the other two pilots with you. What happened ? What do you remember after that crash ?
I hovered above the crash site, watching, learning, asking questions, followed the ambulance. See my body was put in the ambulance, race to the hospital, even though they thought I was dead. To begin with life came back in me.
I went into the hospital but not in my body but above it. In the emergency room they were working on me. Doctors and nurses cutting my gray slacks and shirt off. I was all bloodied and I was a pretty much of a mess, but I watched this from what looked like a bird's-eye view.
And I saw all the commotion going on. I'm asking questions. I had this life review of one moment in my life, not all my life, just one moment of my life. And it was when I was in the fifth grade, where I had prayed to receive Jesus into my heart, as a young 11 and 12 year old kid. I was full of zeal for God at that time, wanted to live for Him with my life and I was genuine and sincere.
But when this flashback took place in the emergency room when I was in this accident, I realized that I was no longer that young kid who loved God. I was a kid who had kind of lost my way and loved my life and loved my goals and my dreams, because it was all about me. It was all about what I wanted, not what God wanted. I was sad about what had become a me.
I mean, I still knew God. I still knew there was a God and I did know that Jesus was Savior, but I have lost my way along the path of living for myself.
The grief and all suddenly departed and I moved out of the hospital into a deep outer space, long story, there it's in the book of course. But I saw this city of gold in quickly. This golden, brilliant. It was white light in the center but it moved out and it was a ball of heavy thick gold light. And all the colors in the rainbow were in the white but what I saw was the white and the gold.
And was I got closer and closer, Pastor John. I knew that this was the city, a holy city. I knew I was in heaven.
You're looking, you're coming like flying into a city.
Yeah, yeah. Flying into a city, approaching and decelerating and descending ... 'Why God would do that me ? Why God would do that for a pilot, right ?'
Does that mean I'm gonna be kicking a soccer ball through the game ?
It means we're gonna have to go to flying lessons here.
That's just so fascinating and so you're ... Did it feel like flying I mean ...
No, there was no sensations of g-forces or a physical distortion of the eyes squinting, none of that. There was no discomfort and in any way, but travel was extremely fast and then it began to slow down as I got near what I called the City of God.
I knew it was the City of God and I knew God reign here but He was in the light. And it was on the other side that there's a wall around the city.
How big was the city ?
The city was huge, the way larger than anything like Paris, London or Beijing or anything Mexico City, way bigger than that. And what I saw and I'm able to kind of quickly judge distances, you know, because you're trained to do that, but about 40 miles into this city. Way back beyond the wall there was an event going on that is ... It's easy to describe when I write it, you know, because I can write better than I can speak, sorry about that.
But there was, of course, the mountains and the flowers and the air, all the things, that you've mentioned before. But there was this humongous crowd of people and angels that I was able to see from a long way away over I was looking over the wall, but still on the outside of the city.
And this group of people and angels were moving with the music and they were moving in praise and swaying with the music and talk about oneness and unity and love.
There there's life and music. The light is full of life and love and it's light that's palpable, It's thick. It's has substance and weight to it and all the colors of the rainbow are in it, but that light and I knew is coming from God. I knew it. Everybody knew it. Everybody knew this was God.
It's God. The light comes from God, but in that light is the love of God. How do you describe the love of God ? Well you spend a lifetime trying to do that. It's unconditional love. It's not based on who you are ? What skills or talents you have ? How much money or the success you have? It's based on just the fact that you and I are the creation of God and He loves us.
He loved me and I could hardly ... I told myself it comes from so deep within you, doesn't it ? Because it's the Spirit of God inside the spirit of His children. And I'm just one but it's God who's alive who has created us in His image and when we get out of the way and we let the Spirit of God in us then we can reflect his light and His love and His life in this world.
And that's how we can conquer disease and that's how we can conquer darkness in this world, because it's the light of God in us. It's the love of God in us and it's that life of God. And it all comes from Him like you were preaching so well earlier.
All right let's mop up. We really are engineers. So I want you to describe since we're talking about the beauty, the beauty of the surrounding landscape around the city and in the city ...
Let's me explain this. You're asking me who, you know, I've grew up with machines and I enjoy machinery and then there's nothing like that in heaven of course. There's nothing mechanical there that I was aware of would never saw, but it's all made by God. And it's all made into perfection.
How do you describe it ?
Everything's perfect. I remember the first thing I noticed coming into the city was the grass. The grass was so incredible. I mean, just took my breath away, because I never seen grass that was wild and perfectly manicured. Yet mankind, no human being, no angel had to touch it. Light came through the grass from the source of the light, which is God Himself. It pulsated in the grass itself, every blade, was not met, bent or twisted. It was perfection. It looks more like velvet and that's just the grass, you know.
it's so ... so many people talk about the same, the grass, and they can't stop describing that.
It's like wow. I mean ...
You know, I was seared by this experience a few years after the crash. I had to find some kind of job to pay for my flight training lessons and it just so happened God had me become a golf course greens consultant. True story, a year and a half of my life was spent with grass on that portion. That's just one story.
So you told me as you were flying in back behind the city was a mountain range.
Yeah, beautiful mountains very much like these that you just showed, but not mountains you would want to conquer in anyway, but mountains you would just reveal.
What do you mean?
Because of the majesticness that God created. You just look at the mountains and just go wow oh my gosh, but maybe unlike you because you might be there too. When you're there you might look at the mountains and take more time to do so, but I was more interested in what was happening with the people, the God's creation.
And you came down then onto the path and there were people there.
Yeah, there's a path. There was a path that I was moving on and there's people to the left that were just congregating. They were just gathering. In fact it looked like a few of them were just getting in place just as I arrived. And it made me think rightfully so I found out that they were getting there to welcome me, to be there just when I needed them to be there.
And I looked at these wonderful people that were brilliantly lit with their bright eyes and great smiles with genuine hearts, by the way all of the light is still coming from God through the wall through the people through me and these people were at this point I saw family later, but at this point it was important I think that God had me welcomed by the most wonderful loving kindness people ever.
And yet none were were what we would call blood family and when I discussed this quickly through my heart to my guides the information came to me very quickly from heart to head that this was my real family. This is my spiritual family these are my brothers these are my sisters.
And everybody was about the same age and nobody was old or decrepit there's no you know nothing wrong with anybody and no scar to hide mine here, but pretty looked about your age, but yeah they looked around 30's.
It was clear that the most important family is my spiritual brothers and sisters and there's millions millions hundreds of millions. If you don't have family you will love heaven, because you have millions waiting for you and others have family in heaven already.
And the great news about that is we'll be able to you know connect again and have this wonderful fellowship with our family and from the blood, but the blood family on earth is not like it is in heaven.
We're all blood family. It's the blood of Jesus. We're all bonded together and it's beyond words. It's wonderful beyond words.
Well and we had a chance to sit down yesterday and Dale has so much more to tell and in the weeks to come you're gonna hear because he went through that gate and met some blood relatives you had never met before. And then saw the one who clearly took your breath away. And so we're gonna hear more. So stick with us, come back.
Let's thank Capt. Dale Black.
--- Demikian kesaksian Capt. Dale Black.
- Pada mulanya adalah Firman (Yesus); Firman itu bersama-sama dengan Allah [Bapa di Sorga] dan Firman Yesus itu adalah Allah. - (Yohanes 1:1).
- Kata Yesus kepada mereka: "Makanan-Ku ialah melakukan kehendak Dia yang mengutus Aku dan menyelesaikan pekerjaan-Nya. - (Yohanes 4:34).
- dan kamu akan mengetahui kebenaran, dan kebenaran itu akan memerdekakan kamu." - (Yohanes 8:32).
- Kata Yesus kepada mereka: “Aku berkata kepadamu, sesungguhnya sebelum Abraham jadi, Aku telah ada.” - (Yohanes 8:58).
- Aku (Yesus) dan Bapa adalah satu.” - (Yohanes 10:30).
- Jawab Yesus: "Akulah kebangkitan dan hidup; barangsiapa percaya kepada-Ku, ia akan hidup walaupun ia sudah mati, - (Yohanes 11:25).
- Kamu menyebut Aku Guru dan Tuhan, dan katamu itu tepat, sebab memang Akulah Guru dan Tuhan. - (Yohanes 13:13).
- Dan apabila Aku telah pergi ke situ dan telah menyediakan tempat bagimu, Aku akan datang kembali dan membawa kamu ke tempat-Ku, supaya di tempat di mana Aku berada, kamupun berada. - (Yohanes 14:3).
- Kata Yesus kepadanya: “Akulah jalan dan kebenaran dan hidup. Tidak ada seorangpun yang datang kepada Bapa [yang berada di Sorga], kalau tidak melalui Aku. - (Yohanes 14:6).
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