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[Best] Homosexuality Was My Identity - Becket

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In that moment, I knew that God was real, Jesus was real, Heaven was real, Hell was real, eternal life was real, the Bible was real. Just God was like this is who I am. This is who you are.

Homosexuality Was My Identity. Homosexual Find Lord Jesus is LOVE - Becket/ Shallom, this is the story:

- When I was, you know, in elementary school, I started to realize that I was becoming attracted to the same sex. I was like wait, this is odd and no one else is feeling this way and no one else can know about this. When I was a junior in high school, my best friend, we came out to each other.

So then I suddenly had this confidante in high school whom I could tell everything to and tell him what I was feeling and what it was like and he understood and we could talk and we started going out. You know, we started going to gay bars in high school. We started going to clubs.

and then, even in high school, I still felt that being gay was not something that I was gonna be for the rest of my life. I just thought, oh, well, eventually, I'll get married and have kids and this would just kinda go away, but it didn't go away.

When I went to college, I was feeling more and more like homosexuality was becoming my core identity. I just knew that Christianity was never an option for me, ever. I just thought, I'm a gay man. I can't ever be a Christian. Never the twain shall meet, and so I just put God even further on the back burner and didn't even think of God at all.

And then after college, I moved to LA and I got in with a group of friends who were like-minded. We lived our lives always kinda just wanting two things, and it was success in career and to find true love.

I think I had a total of five serious relationships and they were all very intense and very real and every time I was in one of these relationships, it was like, okay, this is the one. Like this is the guy who's gonna give me meaning in my life. This is the person that's gonna save me.

Like I seriously saw them as almost like a messiah. Like this person will give my life meaning. I'll have a reason to live, and I put so much pressure on these relationships.

And so during all this time in Hollywood, I did everything. I went to all the premiers. I went to Oscars, the Emmys, the Grammys and I went to the Governors Ball after the Oscars. That life I was living, it was satisfying. It was fun and I kind of felt, like, high from it.

I was at one of the after parties one night, and like, everyone was dancing and all the people in the fashion world were there and it was, like, very glamorous and I just remember just looking out over the sea of people, all having the times of their lives and I just felt so empty and dead inside. I felt so alone and just empty.

And about, I think, six months later, I was at a coffee shop in Silver Lake. We noticed something very shocking. A table next to us had just Bibles all over it, and we were kinda fascinated by it even though, to us, it was like the enemy. Like, those are the people who hate who we are, but we were fascinated by them still.

So my friend urged me to talk to them and I said, well, what does your church believe about homosexuality? And he said, well, you know, it's a sin and I just stayed and I was like, huh, okay, that's interesting, and then we talked some more and then he invited me to his church.

Somehow, I got up to Sunday morning and the pastor comes out and he started preaching from Romans, chapter seven and then all of a sudden, the Holy Spirit just flooded me. That's when I saw the holiness of God and my sinfulness at the same time, and I just started bawling. It was like this mix of joy and sorrow. Like, sorrow over my sin and joy over the fact that I just me the king of the universe, God, Jesus. In that moment, I knew that God was real, Jesus was real, Heaven was real, Hell was real, eternal life was real, the Bible was real. Just God was like this is who I am. This is who you are. You're now in my kingdom; you're now my child, and we now are reconciled and we have a relationship and I was like, God, you have my whole life. Like, this is it; it's all yours.

When I was living that gay life and for many, many years, I was 100% sure that was my identity. Like, I felt like I was born that way. It was my orientation; it was my identity, and I felt like it was immutable. And one of the things that also happened during that moment of conversion was I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that homosexuality was not who I was, that my identity was in Christ, that was not who I was.

This is the issue, the deal breaker. Homosexuality is the deal breaker for the LGBT community when it comes to Christianity, and I felt the same way. People always say, well, isn't it unloving to say that homosexuality is a sin, and I'm like, no, it's unloving to let people spend eternity apart from God, and that's unloving. This life is a vapor. This life is a mist. It's like two seconds long. Eternity is a long time, and whether you believe it or not, we're all gonna face Christ on the last day, and we're either gonna be under his mercy or under his wrath; that's the bottom line. And whether you believe that or not, that's going to happen. That's what's at stake, is eternity. That's what's at stake. Do you want just this kind of temporary pleasure right now or do you want eternity with God?

[Best Testimony] Ex Homosexual Find Lord Jesus is LOVE | Becket

Do not let this one issue, and I know it's a very powerful, strong issue, but do not let this one issue prevent you from eternity with God.
  • Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. - (John 14:6).
Thanks You, Jesus Bless You.

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