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1 Quran Verse Turn Muslim Lady Following Jesus Christ - Heba

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There is a secret that I now understand. Christ exists through His Spirit. He is the word. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are one God.

Muslim Woman Comes to Christ Heba's Story. 1 Quran Verse Turn Muslim Woman Following Jesus by Heba. Shallom,

My name is Heba. I'm a pharmacist from Egypt. I grew up Muslim in a Muslim family. I was always at the top of my class academically. I loved chemistry so I registered with a pharmaceutical college.

During the first years of classes one of the professor's explained things in a different way. I learned that he was a Christian and his way of explaining things was distinguished and new to me. He challenged my thinking.

In Islam we have a concept only Muslims will enter the garden and everybody else will be in hell. Knowing this I wondered it how did they not understand it the true path?

I went on the internet and type, 'What do Christians believe in?' We grew up learning that they are infidels. I watch programs where converts were sharing their testimonies, then I began to read the Bible.

I started realizing the more I read the Bible the more I felt I entered a different world and felt peace. You immediately know it's a word from God. I was learning things that I could not understand in the Quran. I learned about Jesus Christ.

If you are raised Muslim you grow up with rules that are deeply rooted. It is hard to change your perspective from Islam to another belief system. We always had preconceived notions that Christians were infidels.

When it comes to who Christ is there is a verse in the Quran that says, 'They have indeed disbelieved who say, Surely, Allah is none but the Messiah, son of Mary.'

This verse was the most difficult idea that stayed with me for years. I eventually said to myself I'm done with Christianity because it is wrong. I closed my Bible and went back to Islam.

What I found was a spiritual drought. My spirit was dead. I said to myself, 'This is not right, I will not be able to continue like this.'


During these two years, I learned that the kingdom SAS did not criticize or attack Islam. It is mere christianity shining a light. You can feel God's Spirit. I could not believe how wonderful it was.

"Christ delivered us and redeemed us from the Dominion of sin."

Dr. Michael Youssef leading the way program is so impactful to me. I thank him for founding the kingdom set channel.

Why learning about Jesus Christ? I thought I will tell the kingdom set team that I believe Christ was crucified, resurrected from the grave and is alive today.

When I contacted the channel one of the team members helped me understand and believe that Christ, the Son and word incarnate does exist. At this point I know that the Lord Jesus Christ is my personal Savior.

When I came back to the Lord's teaching, I was amazed to feel the presence of the Holy Spirit. There is a secret that I now understand. Christ exists through His Spirit. He is the word. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are one God.

The word incarnated in the fullness of time.


--- Thus Testimony From Heba ...
  • Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. - (John 14:6).
  • Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. - (2 Corinthians 5:17).
Love and friendship. Be passionate and love your fellow human beings regardless of their beliefs. Elohim Yeshua Hamashiach Bless. Amen.

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