International Testimony

International Testimony
God Is Love

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In Hell I Saw King Herod, Julius Ceasar, Cleophatra, Nefertiti - Emilio Munoz

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Prostitution, fornication and adultery are in this social network. Turn off your Facebook to not go to hell. I've seen Christians in hell because of whatsapp. These Christians use their whatsapp to destroy marriages and set up meetings to prostitute themselves.

Saya Melihat Herodes, Julius Caesar, Cleopatra Di Neraka - Emilio Munoz (Paraguay). IN HELL I SAW KING HEROD, JULIUS CEASAR, CLEOPHATRA, NEFERTITI. Shallom,

Testimony of the Emilio Munoz from Paraguay, an old man is taken up to heaven and hell.

I'm a 70 year old man who was running the church before and today because of old age I'm just helping. Listen to this testimony beloved.

I was kneeling praying inside my room asking God strength for my fragile body. My body gets tired. I received great spiritual vigor and I began to pray without stopping for two hours. God gave me the grace to continue to pray and in a matter of seconds my spirit was in the clouds. it was about 3 o'clock in the afternoon and I could see the golden face of Jesus shining a glorious light. He hugged me with a lot of love and from above the clouds I could see the earth below.

Jesus with a sweet and quiet voice said, 'Look at the confusion that is on the earth. Look at the situation in my churches.' He was not speaking only of the Christian congregations but of all the churches that speak the truth but are corrupting themselves.

He said to me, 'Write down everything for you would be my witness on earth.' Jesus said, 'I still have not come back because the church is not ready. the fruits are green and fewer ripe for harvesting. Watch my servant and write down everything you see.'

I fixed my eyes on the land and saw several wars between denomination plaques, Church competitions. One ministry wanting to be better than the other. I beheld a great multitude of these peoples walking on a broad path toward hell.

Many who died in these churches were falling off a cliff into the hell of fire. I also saw a competition from several churches interested in tithing and offerings. These churches vie for members because of the money. I could see the false prophets taking people out of serious churches because of the high salary.

These evil men are not interested in nursing God children, what matters to them is money. Christians who came out of their churches and went to congregate with these false shepherds, they left the plowed hand turning away from the truth. They are also walking towards hell.

These Shepherds do not want to take souls out of the world and bring them to Jesus. They take the true Christians out the truth and bring to the deceit of their churches. These false apostles do not want to save the drugged, drunk and homeless because they have no money. They seek middle and upper-class people to support their churches. The true Church invests in disciples.

I saw Christians speaking ill of one and another and because of this they were walking down this path leading to the cliff of hell fire. The tongue was their weapon of destruction which deflected the weak, destitute of grace and oppressed by the devil.

Those who use their language for destruction do not bear fruit in their unproductive spiritual lives. They are infertile, destroyers, slanderous, scatter res of evil and agents of the devil. Millions of Christians were on this path of destruction and few were following the other path that was desert. No one wanted to walk through it. The Lord Jesus wept. I saw tears of pain fall from His face because of the situation of the churches.

I could see Christians turning lighted truths and their destructive heresies become doctrines. I saw all this happening on earth.

Jesus said, 'My servant, these are like the fire that destroys my church. They have no goals in their spiritual lives. They are in the church just to add in quantity. They do not deserve the credit of being called my servants. They are worth what they really are for justice they do not do. Their names are not in the book of life and they are wasting time in the church.

These false bishops speak very well of me. They are vain and do not handle themselves before My presence, for them the humiliation is for the weak and yet they are quick to beg for My blessings. They are also following the path of hell.'

Jesus told me about the ambition of positions within the church, lots of fights to take the place of each other envious brothers who twist for the failure of the other brother in office, wanting to see your brother's failure.

What made me sad was a vision Jesus showed me, an elder went through great trial and turned away from the path of Jesus. one of the brothers in his church was glad he had gone astray, because the position of this priest was now for this brother.

I also saw another brother who was grateful for the work of his pastor not succeeding in the work and that's what happened. He could not Shepherd the church any more. The founder and president of the church took him out of the work and put another to shepherd and the new pastor was the very brother who hoped for the pastor to fail in the work. Maybe this brother who hugs you and slaps you on the shoulder is the envious one who wanted to be in your place.

It may be that this person is doing the works side by side with you and says that he is your friend but he will be rooting for your failure.

Many fights for a position of the church. They dispute among themselves who is the best who do more works than the other to get the attention of their shepherds but they do not call God's attention. They do not please Jesus. He does not want to see a church waging war over insignificant things on earth.

Jesus showed me in a vision a Christian praying the other way around for the other brother to fail. This made me sad because it is not prayer but a work of witchcraft.

Then the Lord Jesus led me to the heavenly mansions. I was in the air and suddenly I found myself in paradise. I walked in the streets of gold and beheld the wonders that are prepared for the saved.

I had never seen a city as beautiful as that. The crystal clear river cuts through the city. Crowds of people living in this place. I saw Priscilla who had risked her life to help the Apostle Paul. I saw Apollo, Elizabeth the mother of John the Baptist and I saw Enok in heaven, then I also saw the prophet Ezekiel. All in white and shining robes and he was dressed with youth and immortality.

I saw Protestant reformer men of holy doctrine from all over the world. They were there in the heavenly world. The place is for Saints who did not live in sin, no matter their church. I was the elder of a congregation.

Jesus said he delivered this flock into my hands and that it was the most obedient congregation in the city. I made a difference when I was an elder. I was always following the Bible then jesus said, 'There is a lack of evangelism in the streets and homes. The people are accommodated and do not want to spread the gospel through the city.'

Then Jesus took me to hell. I have seen Christians from every Church even from the Christian congregation, denominations do not save.

In hell I saw or king antiochus in the torment, the one that persecuted the people of Israel and profaned the temple. I saw all the Pharisees who persecuted Jesus, they were also in hell.

I continued walking in hell and I saw Emperor Julius, Caesar a Roman politician and military general who played a critical role in the events that led to the demise of the Roman Republic and the rise of the Roman Empire.

Then I saw King Herod the ruler of Judea who orders the massacre of the innocents at the time of the birth of Jesus. I also saw queen Cleopatra who reigned as queen of Egypt during the first century BC.

Then I saw Delilah and the Queen Nefertiti of Egypt. These people have received great punishment for their evil deeds. I saw Jezebel in hell. This woman was cruelly punished by the demons. Her screams of despair hurt in my soul.

I've seen people in hell with rotting bodies. Jesus said, 'These Souls have leprosy because of sin, since become a leprosy of the body when Souls go to hell.'

I also saw Christian in hell because of adultery. They were brothers who had divorced and married the second time. I saw sisters wearing high heels also there along with those who wore jeans, skirts. Do not wear this cloth called jeans as it is tight and causes lust.

There is no wide denim skirt. Men also do not use this cloth for it is consecrated on earth to devils and in hell. This cloth is very famous. I saw the shirts with drawings or brand names that belong to the devil.

Christian clothing is social shirt and pants and for women a skirt below the knee. Women who wear sleeveless shirts and Christian men also wear sleeveless shirts should avoid that.

Jesus said that those shirts that show armpit hairs are not appropriate for use. I have seen Christians in Hell because of television and there are many who have been taken home because of this apparatus, even heretical evangelical programs have taken many to this place.

I saw how the World Cup is a diabolical ceremony. Before the opening for this event of the worshippers of Satan has a human sacrifice, a ritual form to celebrate the great feast to the demon and the whole world adored the World Cup, whose gods are the teams who are the gods of flesh and the golden trophy that is also a god, the ball is also a god. The word ball in English is written Bal and read if ball in other languages. Bel is a form of worship to the bal god.

I've seen Christians in hell because of social networking. Their photos were stumbling blocks for many to sin. Do not have Instagram to display your photos. I've seen Christians in hell because of Facebook.

This social network is destroying many marriages. Prostitution, fornication and adultery are in this social network. Turn off your Facebook to not go to hell. I've seen Christians in hell because of whatsapp. These Christians use their whatsapp to destroy marriages and set up meetings to prostitute themselves.

Christians who were faithful to God and joined the whatsapp group, they found wicked women who made them sin. These women sent pictures of their nakedness through the groups seducing the men.

They entered into the privation of the men of God who were in their groups and made them fall from the faith. Many Christians are in hell because of whatsapp groups. I also saw the addictive spirits that made people addicted to whatsapp and Facebook. These same spirits make people addicted to games, television and other technologies.

These vice spirits have taken many people to hell. I have seen demons of the musical rhythms that are in the churches. I saw dancing demons who also danced in the church and made the youth dance. I've seen abortion demons that make women kill their children. This is a sacrifice to the devil.

I've seen millions of condoms in hell and figured out what its purpose is. The condom was created not to prevent disease but to prostitution. When diseases started to multiply and people died because of sex people were afraid of prostitution, so as not to be contaminated by disease. Demons did not want prostitution to diminish because of disease and inspired men to create condoms.

After the condom was created prostitution increased significantly, because people could have sex without fear of contracting a disease. Even the number of prostitutes increased that before the women were afraid of not having protection against diseases.

Jesus said, 'I have led many to hell as witnesses in order to diminish the number of souls that come to this place. After you I will still bring more people to Hell to witness to the world. I do it for love. I do not want anyone to get lost. It's time to go back to earth.'

When He said this my spirit came back at high speed to my body. I want to thank God for the crown of eternal life He has given me if I am faithful and steadfast to the end. May all be in the peace of God. Amen.

Jesus has shown me Christians who have distracted themselves in their jobs. They in the midst of the wicked did not watch and speak evil of their chief and of others of the company. They complained about their wages and their jobs.

Very sad Jesus said, 'My servants ask for a job from me. I use men to hire them. They get the job but they do not thank me for the blessing they received and they still speak ill of what they asked for that I gave. Your behaviour displeases Me. My church has to be light anywhere not just in the House of Prayer.'

Jesus showed me groups of Christians sitting in the circle of scoffers. The Christians together with the wicked spoke immoral words and on the sexes. The subjects were useless and never spoke of Jesus to those souls in need. Church pay attention to their day-to-day attitudes outside the House of Prayer. They watch to keep from falling into the bonds of the devil and are bound in the holy spirit. Let him use you to evangelize even if the man does not approve of his work God will approve. Do the work to please God and not man.

Lord Jesus made me see megachurch on the earth. This ministry had its attention turned to the famous preachers. The people admired those superstar men. Idolatry was on their faces. There are no fans but worshipers. The humble Christians who were not known in this church, the people did not care about them as if they were nothing or did not exist. When they preached the people would not listen and when they knew he was a simple Christian who would preach that night few came. When he was a celebrity preaching the church filled and the people matter.

Jesus was sad about the situation in this church. I saw how 95 percent of this church walked toward Hell along with the famous preachers. There are two types of preachers, the preacher of the people in the preacher of God. One will please the people to be welcomed and the other will please God and be despised by the whole congregation.


The prophets did not please Israel at the time of the law. Jeremiah was a prophet rejected by the people for preaching against sin. The prophets who preached blessings and crops as great abundance belong to the people. The church chooses its prophets and God chooses its own.

--- Demikian kesaksian Emilio...
  • Kata Yesus kepadanya: “Akulah jalan dan kebenaran dan hidup. Tidak ada seorangpun yang datang kepada Bapa [yang berada di Sorga], kalau tidak melalui Aku. - (Yohanes 14:6).
  • Damai sejahtera Kutinggalkan bagimu. Damai sejahtera-Ku Kuberikan kepadamu, dan apa yang Kuberikan tidak seperti yang diberikan oleh dunia kepadamu. Janganlah gelisah dan gentar hatimu. - (Yohanes 14:27).
  • Janganlah kamu sesat: Pergaulan yang buruk merusakkan kebiasaan yang baik. - (1 Korintus 15:33).
Salam kasih dan persahabatan. Tetap semangat dan mengasihi sesama manusia apapun keyakinannya. Tuhan Yesus memberkati. Amin.

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