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International Testimony
God Is Love

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How To Rewire Your Brain - Dr. Caroline Leaf

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The Word of God, pray, praise and worship, your brain, this external part of your brain thickens ...

How To Rewire Your Brain ? Dr. Caroline Leaf. Shalom,

Science has FINALLY caught up with the Bible! We now have proof you are NOT a victim of your genes! You CAN alter your genes, your health, and your destiny supernaturally! On this edition of It’s Supernatural.

Can ancient secrets of the supernatural be rediscovered? Do angels exist? Is there life after death? Are healing miracles real? Can you get supernatural help from another dimension? Has the future been written in advance? Sid Roth has spent 30 years researching the strange world of the supernatural. Join Sid on this edition of It’s Supernatural!

Hello! Sid Roth! Welcome to my world where it’s naturally supernatural! I have been so looking forward to my guest! Why? Because I have been studying the promises of God for many, many years and I believe them because they’re God’s Word. But now science has just figured out the Words of Jesus, that they’re true!

Now my guest, Doctor Caroline Leaf, has spent 25 years researching the brain!

That’s it.

When you started researching the brain they were really in the Stone Age as far brain understanding, weren’t they?

They really were. There’s been a Dark Ages in brain research for a long time and it’s only in the last 10 to 15 years that people are really starting to get an understanding of the brain. And the more we understand about the brain the more we realize we don’t understand about the brain!

But when you told me that we could change our genes, I wish every doctor in the world would understand this cutting edge research! Because you know you go to a doctor and say your cholesterol is high and they say well exercise, change your diet. BUT it could be your genes and there’s nothing you can do so take this medicine that’ll have a zillion side-effects.

But you say, according to the latest brain research, if you follow what Jesus said you can change your genes! That, that’s just so amazing!

I know! It is phenomenal! And when you think of it it’s logical too, Sid, because we’re spirit, soul, body. And it’s our soul area which is literally the brain, the intellect, the will, and the emotions that is processing and building all these thoughts into real things.

So structural changes are happening in the brain and whatever is going on in the soul will affect the spirit and will affect the body.

So if our mind is filled, our thoughts, our mind is all filled with chaos, chaos will reign in our bodies. So you know the scientists are finding now that 87 to 95 percent of current mental, physical, emotional illnesses come from our thought life! I mean that’s the, that’s the ...

Well you know Jesus put it very well. He said As a man thinketh in his heart so is he. So you’re saying that these thoughts, as you say in your book, take up mental real estate. They’re, they’re real! It’s not just a fleeting thing!

No. It’s a real thing! You know even in science we call them the magic trees of the mind because the nerve cells in the brain look like trees. So your brain which is the size of your two fists, this is a little bigger than a normal brain, is made up of all these nerve cells or neurons and they look like trees.

And I’ve got some props that I’ve brought along just to help us understand. Literally we have these forests in our mind of all these trees that branch and as you are listening to me now your brain is processing at 400 billion actions per second and in doing that processing ...

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Did you hear that! If I heard her right 400 BILLION actions per second? And someone wants to say it was a coincidence, creation? I mean I don’t have enough faith to believe that it was a coincidence!

No, exactly. I agree with you. More faith is needed for that.


You know that process in the nonconscious mind is building memory as we’re speaking. So every single thing that you hear, everything that comes into your brain through your 5 senses converts, we think about it and then you make choices and it converts into a structural thing in your brain which is a thought and they look like trees.

And that’s why the scientists refer to the forest or the magic tress of the mind because that’s what it looks like in your mind. Now you have about a 100 billion nerve cells in your brain. That’s a lot of nerve cells.

But each nerve cell can grow up to 200,000 branches. So that means we have around 3 million years plus worth of space in our brain to build memories!

Well that’s better than any computer that I know of!

Exactly. And that’s just, that’s just what they understand from our basic understanding of the brain and it will probably be more than that!

But the point that I always like to make with people to emphasize is that because we can’t see a thought out here, it’s not like my hand, it makes people tend to think their thoughts are harmless.

But a thought is real! It occupies mental real estate! It looks like a tree. As you’re listening to me now you are causing the trees of your mind to change shape! You are growing branches as we are speaking!

So every time we listen, think about things it will result in choices that we make which will result in thoughts or memories that we build and that’s what they look like. They look like trees.

Okay. This is green. And this is nice. I like to see the green wherever I go. A golf course or trees. I mean this is beautiful. So I want my brain on the inside (laughs) to be beautiful! You want your brain on the inside to be beautiful! But show me what happens to a lot of people with toxic thoughts.

Well what happens is that this is the norm. This is how we’re wired. You know we think that we are made in God’s image and He’s wired for love and God is love.

So therefore all of the process that we go through to build thoughts is all wired in a positive direction. In a healthy direction. But God gave us the choice of free will.

So He says I lay before you life and death. Choose life so that your descendants may live. But if you choose death you and your descendants won’t live. So we choose life, good choices, we’re gonna build those trees.

But Sid, if we make bad choices we build toxic trees! (laughing)

So I saw that in the lobby of the hotel this morning and I was wondering what is, what have you got? What is THAT! What IS that?

Well it’s just a visual image that I use to try and demonstrate the fact that when you think a bad thought, when you make bad choices, when you hang on to anything that is negative, anger, abuse, irritation, frustration, all the negative side of emotions, that’s not just a harmless thing! It is a physical change that occurs in your brain.

So we are designed and wired that every time we think we will build thoughts and if we as we are thinking if we choose to think in a negative direction we are still gonna build thoughts but because we are wired for love, which that’s what the scientists said, that we are wired for love! That’s that they found (laughing) in the laboratories.



They’re catching up to the Bible! Well maybe is this why Jesus said only say things that are good and pure and lovely and of good report because if you don’t, if you do the opposite this is the way your cells are gonna look!

Well exactly. There’s a consequence. You know God is very conditional. You know He’s a God of grace but if you do this, then this will happen. So our bodies are designed and aligned like that. So if we’re going to choose the negative it’s not the norm for the body it’s the hijack.

So whenever we build the hijack into our body it’s a choice that we, that we make. God has given us that ability to choose. There’s a consequence!

Okay. But I have a problem! I became a believer at age 30. And even after a believer I did not have my mind renewed like I, like I do today. And I have got close to 70 years of building, ugh, THAT! What, what am I gonna do about THAT!

Well here’s the good news! These things as God, as you know in the word it says the renewing of the mind like you just said, that’s a lifelong process. So these, fortunately, we built these but we can rewire them. And that’s what I love about science.

So we, we hear science is just a tangible way of showing the truths that, that God teaches us.

You have a word that you describe, neuroplasty!


What does that mean?

Well what that means is that your brain can change! These things can change. In fact what I always say is that God you made you an authority. You’re a neuroplastician, Sid!

I don’t know if you realize that but you’re a neuroplastician! So am I! So is everyone. God designed us with the ability to change our own brains!

So when He says renew our mind He would give us the ability to do that. So scientifically we’ve found now that these ugly, toxic trees that we build through bad choices and physical realities occur can be rewired!

Are you gonna show me how to rewire my brain?

I’m gonna start telling you how to do that.

Okay. And I want you to eavesdrop so you can rewire your brain! We’ll be right back after this word!


We’ll be right back to It’s Supernatural!


We now return to It’s Supernatural!

Hello! Sid Roth here with Doctor Caroline Leaf. And isn’t it amazing, Caroline, that the scientists, like yourself, have now come up with the conclusion that our brain was originally wired for love.

Not, this is an example of a toxic brain, that’s toxic thoughts. Do you know every time I look at that, Caroline, I’m gonna remember it! And I am going to watch what I say! What I think!

And give no place to anything that’s gonna kill or steal or destroy! So we’re wired for love! Tell me about that.

Well, I just think it’s incredible and that’s the scientist’s term by the way. They say wired for love. And they therefore say that we learn fear and that’s very significant, Sid, because God tells us not to fear and we know that God is a God of love so fear is the hijack so that’s a spiritual principle. Two opposite spiritual forces. But in science it’s the same thing.

As humans we are wired for all the positive stuff! Therefore if we had like, we have like a little chemical factory in our brain. In order to grow these branches we have all this input going into our brain which is like electricity.

Then the brain will secrete chemicals and you have this electrical-chemical reaction. And when that happens branches grow. And these branches are all holding the memory that’s related and all grouped together in that tree so that’s a whole network related to one kind of thought.

And then to build that thought I needed chemicals. So now we’re wired for love which means that we are, and that’s not just the, the sort of love, love in terms of relationships.

It’s love in terms of happiness, joy, peace, passion, excitement, truth, all the wonderful stuff. We have chemicals that we secrete for each of those. So if I’m building a memory and it’s a great exciting thing, like now.

I’m building a memory now as we talk about this which we’re both interested in. What will happen is that the brain will excrete, will secrete excitement and passion chemicals.

But now let’s say for example something negative happens and we shift out of excitement into negativity. Some kind of negative thing. Lack of excitement. Lack of passion. The opposite.

The brain doesn’t have a chemical for that so it’ll take the closest positive and secrete more and more and more and more and more. Throw the brain out of disorder in order to try and find lack of excitement.

Because it’s got to have chemicals so it takes too much of the good chemical, still builds the tree but now we have an electrical-chemical imbalance in this area of the brain.

So that’s why someone might get depressed.

Exactly. Exactly that. Because when we have an electrical-chemical imbalance around this, this thing’s ugly. It causes inflammation in the brain so around this area.

But what about when doctors test you for heart conditions and things and they say well you have too much inflammation. Does that start in the thoughts that go to the brain that then affect the body?

Definitely! Because spirit, soul, and body are linked. So the mind-body connection it’s very clear. And that’s why doctors say 87 to 95 percent of illness is cardiovascular, immune system, all the different disorders that can happen, and all of us will manifest differently or are a direct result of your thought life.

Because what happens is that your body will take this thought in your brain and will translate this thought into a physical reaction in your body and all of us will respond differently.

Now wherever there is a hijack in the body’s order and because God is a God of order. The body functions on the principles of order. And very, very, very, very organized.

So when order is thrown out, when the electrical-chemical balance is thrown out the result will be inflammation. Inflammation causes the immune system to start sending out all kinds of cells to try and sort this out and that in itself throws us out.

And so I’m just thinking like these alternative health doctors and medical doctors they have medicine and they have alternative things to treat inflammation but that, all that’s doing is masking the symptoms. The cause is those thoughts!

Well it’s a combination. It is. The cause is the thoughts. You know have to get awesome enlightened doctors that are saying listen, you’ve gotta deal with your thought life.

There’s research showing that medication doesn’t even work that well unless you actually have your thought life under control.

But wait a second! You said that 95%...

Is coming from our thought life.

is connected with that!


So forget that 5%! That 95%...

Is big enough!

is what concerns me! Now we’re wired for love! But most people are walking in fear! What happens when the body goes into fear or stress?

Well then what’s happened there is in order to, that fear is a choice that we’ve made. So life is coming in at us.

We’re thinking building thoughts and those thoughts are I’m scared, I’m, I’m anxious, I’m whatever, negative and this, this incident happened there and it’s built in, it’s wired in.

Whenever you think, Sid, there is a physical structural change in your brain! If it’s in this negative direction your body being this, this thought thing, this state is translated by your brain into physical reaction in our body. That is stress!


hat is stress!

You know I have in my notes here that there are 1400 chemical and physical responses when you go into fear and stress?

Absolutely! What happens is ...

1400! 1400?

Absolutely! It’s a lot!

How do we, how do we STOP this?

Well let’s, let’s look at the way stress forms first.

I mean why did Jesus keep saying FEAR NOT! FEAR NOT! FEAR NOT! He knew He didn’t want you to go into those 1400 chemicals and physical responses that go immediately throughout your brain and your, your ...

Your body.

your entire body.

Your entire body. It throws your body into chemical chaos! You see what you get is 3 stages of stress. Stage One is a normal stage. That’s what you use when you are alert, focused, building memory so it’s a good positive thing. It’s called eustress. E-u-s-t-r-e-s-s.

Those 1400 chemical reactions and the 30 different hormones that flow in flow in order. So we have beautiful trees being built. You’ll have a healthy green tree being built. But when we go into the fear side the hijack happens. We make a bad choice.

Then the brain is trying to secrete and find those chemicals so it secretes the wrong amount. And so it throws the entire electrical-chemical balance out. So those 1400 chemical reactions move from being a positive thing into a negative thing and we have chemical chaos.

Okay! Is there hope for me? I mean I have spent ...

Yes, there is, Sid!

Well, wait a second now! I got to where I am right now. It took me 70 hard years! You see the gray hair?

I see SID: It took me 70 how long would it take me to get that green tree? I mean I would like to walk, this is my passion, as a matter of fact! I want to walk in love! Not just for me. I wannna do it because that’s what I’m created to do! You said I was created, wired for love!


Is it gonna take me 70 more years I’ll have to live longer than Moses!


How am I gonna rewire myself?

Let me give you the good news. And this is the supernatural element. We can mess up for 70 years. It takes 21 days to rewire a tree! 21 DAYS!

Okay! I’m putting you on the clock.


We’ll be right back in a moment!


We’ll be right back to It’s Supernatural!



We now return to It’s Supernatural!

Hello! Sid Roth here with Doctor Caroline Leaf. And she is a neuroscientist that has researched the brain for 25 years! Cutting edge research!

And she has found that no matter how old you are, if you’re as old as I am, 70, or if you’re 20 years old, that’s a lot of years that you have wired yourself like THIS. And wouldn’t it be neat if in 21 DAYS and it’s, it’s Listen! It’s going to affect your physical health! It’s going to affect your relationships with people! It’s going to affect your emotional health! It’s going to affect you fulfilling your destiny of why God put you on this earth!

So tell me! You said there’s hope for me! Tell me what I should do!

There’s hope for all of us! It’s all good. Well let me start by explaining that we, you mentioned, you asked me you know one of the things that you loved about this was the fact that we can change our genetic expression, literally.

So now when we rewire what we have to do is we have to change the way in which our genes are expressing themselves.

Now all that that means is that our genes make proteins. Proteins are the building blocks that build our thoughts. So what they have found is that over and above the gene there’s the epigenome and the epigenome is over and above the gene. And that simply is our thoughts.

Our thoughts are this electrical flow. These thoughts are real things and they generate this electrical flow right to the, to the gene level.

So, so would you say that our thoughts can activate the good or the bad genes?

Exactly! That’s exactly what I’m saying!


So this is, and this is incredibly powerful because this is what it says in the Bible, that’s what God is saying. Is that what a man thinks in his heart, so is he. So is he this is what’s dominating my thinking. That’s who I’m gonna become. So I have to rewire this!

I have to have more building blocks. I have to melt this down and I have to rebuild this. So I have to use my thoughts to change. So this is a negative thought, like maybe someone had alcoholism in their family or depression or some negative abuse thing that happened to them.

This doesn’t have to be something that you can keep. This is something that you can rewire! And scientifically what happens is that these, your nonconscious mind is filled with billions of thoughts.

Now I’m gonna hide this for a moment. So in your nonconscious mind you’ve got all these billions and billions and billions of trees, forests.

At any one time you’ll have a mixture of black and green trees. Hopefully more green than black. But the black we wanna get rid of. So then what happens is as we go through life prompting happens and this moves into the conscious mind.

When it moves into the conscious mind it then becomes, I’m gonna shake it, malleable, plastic, changeable! And we can now use our own ability that God has designed to change this tree. That’s why it’s called neuroplasticity.

But it’s directed by our thought life. At the front of your brain you have what we call the frontal lobe. Your frontal lobe enables you to stand outside of yourself and look at these things and may observe you talking, your thinking, your laugh.

You can observe everything. God’s built that into us which is quite phenomenal! Now we use that ability to stand back and say hey, this is a bad thought! This is how I’m feeling. This is what my body feels like.

I’m actually probably have this or this kind of ache or pain or whatever it may be because of these things. The fact that it’s moved into consciousness God wants us to do something with it.

So He’s created and designed our brain in such a way that it’s very malleable! If we say “I can’t” that is a decision. It will become more toxic and move back into the nonconsciousness enflaming and throwing our body into Stress Stage 2 and 3 of stress.

So even if we’re not thinking about it, it’s there.

It’s there.

And it’s working against us.

It’s working against us. It’s throwing your body into Stage 2 and eventually Stage 3 of stress which is called “the death cycle.”

So when it’s out here I have a chance to get rid of it. So what I need to do is I need chemicals to flow around this tree that will melt it down. Now within 24 to 48 hours of this popping out I can make a decision with my frontal lobe of my brain, the front part of my brain, to say hey, this is not good for me and I’m gonna believe that God is who He says He is.

If we take Mark 11:22 it talks about have faith in God. We rebuild our faith in who God is, that He is who He says He is, that we recognize who we are in God, what it means to have a God who’s a creator, whatever it is that you build your faith. As you do that you get excited.

I mean you said to me if you read the Bible when you go to bed you can’t sleep at night because you get so excited.


Now when you get that excitement rush that is evidence for you that you’ve got a lot of what we call “dopamine,” a neural transmitter that flows around this thing and starts melting this tree down! Then God says in verse 23, He talks about “speak to the mountain.” This is the mountain.

So now we speak the Word of God at this mountain! The Word of God is living and alive. So as we speak the Word of God from what we’ve read, from the scriptures we speak literally, if I may, the green tree, the healthy Word of God at this mountain.

So we put on scriptures we know, things that we’re reading, whatever it is and we speak to this mountain covering them and as we do that more chemicals flow, oxytocin, serotonin, and the combination of those three plus a few more literally, Sid, melt this thing down!

And then we can rebuild next to it the healthy green trees. So the point is there may be an abuse. We can get rid of this. Get rid of its pain because these chemicals carry the physical feeling of pain, the branches carry the actual description ...

So you’re saying I can go from this ...

To this!

To this in 21 days?

In 21 days! I melt this down and I start building this parallel to this thing melting down. You cannot have them in the same, you cannot have a black and a green tree in the same tree at the same time.

There’s a scripture in 1 John 4:18 ìPerfect love expels fear.î Perfect love expels fear that’s literally what is happening on a scientific level! And it take 21 days!

You know what she does? She works with young people that had brain injuries that doctors have given up on explaining the Word of God based on science. And tell me one young person and what happened to their life that you worked with.

Well, you’ll be happy to know that I’ve worked with young and I’ve worked with the old and I’ve gotta tell you this quickly, Sid, there was one gentleman of 78.

He was a pilot and he wanted to go because his eyes weren’t good enough he couldn’t fly anymore so he wanted to go back and do his second career which was to become a CPA. So I taught him how to use his mind, use his brain, learn. Get rid of the toxic trees.

He went and he completed that at 84 and he practiced for another 19 years after! So that’s really an amazing story. So at any age, from whatever age you can change your brain!

A young man I worked with had huge holes in his brain from a really, really bad traumatic brain injury. He was when I started working with him it was about 3-4 years after his accident. Now according to the old brain research if you work with someone after 14 months there’s not much more spontaneous recovery that can happen.

They kind of hit a ceiling. So you know it was in the early days of my research and I was doing neuroplastic brain research with traumatic brain injury. I worked with this young man for 3 months. This young man made a decision. I have to stress this.

He made the decision to apply the principles of neuroplasticity. He took this into his life. When I started working with him he was coping. He was 24 years of age. And he was coping at around about a 6th to 8th grade level. Within 3 short months that young man, not only did he change, he went on to complete his schooling.

Went on to get 4 degrees and he’s currently one of our top motivational speakers in South Africa. And that’s just one story!

One more quick thing you told me. You know what most people, what Hollywood tells you, as you get older your minds slows down and you don’t remember things. And you said the opposite thing is true from using the Word of God!

Absolutely! When you study, when you spend time with God, when you study the Word of God, when you study the Bible, when you get the Word of God in your mind, when you pray, when you praise and when you worship, your brain, they’ve actually seen in the laboratories that this external part of your brain thickens ...

So in effect ..

And you become more intelligent.

You should be getting smarter!

That's what is says!


I’ll tell you what! I love the Word of God! And I love the way science is proving the Word of God, don't you?

Thus testimony from Caroline ...
  • Mintalah, maka akan diberikan kepadamu; carilah, maka kamu akan mendapat; ketoklah, maka pintu akan dibukakan bagimu. - (Matius 7:7).
  • Kata Yesus kepadanya: “Akulah jalan dan kebenaran dan hidup. Tidak ada seorangpun yang datang kepada Bapa [yang berada di Sorga], kalau tidak melalui Aku. - (Yohanes 14:6).
  • Damai sejahtera Kutinggalkan bagimu. Damai sejahtera-Ku Kuberikan kepadamu, dan apa yang Kuberikan tidak seperti yang diberikan oleh dunia kepadamu. Janganlah gelisah dan gentar hatimu. - (Yohanes 14:27).
  • Di dalam kasih tidak ada ketakutan: kasih yang sempurna melenyapkan ketakutan; sebab ketakutan mengandung hukuman dan barangsiapa takut, ia tidak sempurna di dalam kasih. - (1 Yohanes 4:18).
Salam kasih dan persahabatan. Tetap semangat dan saling mengasihi sesama manusia apapun keyakinannya. Tuhan Yesus memberkati. Amin.

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Sid Roth

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