International Testimony

International Testimony
God Is Love

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The New World Order | Introduction


Something is wrong in America!

Today's newspapers are full of stories about the rampant rise in divorce rates; the increasing abuse of children by some parents; increases in the incidence of rape; pornography being read by an increasing number of people; more crimes against property; demands for world government; urgings for national borders to fall; Christian churches being closed because they will not seek licensing by the state; etc.

But why are these things happening? Why are all of the legacies of the past, the family, national borders, the right to practice any chosen religion, the right to private property, amongst other things, under such attack? Is it possible that there are actually people and organizations who really want to change the basic order of things?

Clues to the answers to these questions can be gleaned from some comments made by people and organizations that are talking about these wide-reaching changes in the nature of our lifestyle.

An Associated Press dispatch on July 26, 1968 reported: "New York Governor Nelson A. Rockefeller says as President he would work toward international creation of 'a new world order'..." 1

On January 30, 1976, a new document called The Declaration of Interdependence was introduced to the American people. It was signed by 32 Senators and 92 Representatives in Washington D.C. and read in part: "Two centuries ago our forefathers brought forth a new nation; now we must join with others to bring forth a new world order." 2

Another individual who has commented is Henry Kissinger, former Secretary of State. According to the Seattle Post- Intelligence of April 18, 1975, Mr. Kissinger said: "Our nation is uniquely endowed to play a creative and decisive role in the new order which is taking form around us." 3

President George Bush gave the commencement address at Texas A & M University on May 12, 1989, and he used similar words as well. His speech was on the subject of Soviet-American relations and he was quoted as saying, in part: "Ultimately, our objective is to welcome the Soviet Union back into the world order.

Perhaps the world order of the future will truly be a family of nations." 4

Historian Walter Mills maintained that prior to World War I, Colonel Edward Mandell House, the major advisor to Woodrow Wilson, the President at the time, had a hidden motive for involving America in the war. The historian wrote: "The Colonel's sole justification for preparing such a batch of blood for his countrymen was his hope of establishing a new world order of peace and security." 5

Adolf Hitler, a Socialist, and the head of the German government prior to and during that nation's involvement in World War II, is quoted as saying: "... National socialism will use its own revolution for the establishing of a new world order." 6 He confided to Herman Rauschning, the President of the Danzig Senate: "National Socialism is more than a religion; it is the will to create superman." 7

Hitler added this thought: "Well, yes! We are barbarians, and barbarians we wish to remain. It does us honor. It is we who will rejuvenate the world.

The present world is near its end. Our only task is to sack it." 8 Another book on his background quoted his comments that his NAZI (National Socialist) Party had a hidden purpose, one that was not perceived by the world at large.

Mr. Hitler was quoted as saying: "He who has seen in National Socialism only a political movement has seen nothing." 9 The Humanist religion issued a manifesto in 1933 stating its beliefs about the world in general. It took the following position about the need for the wealthy governments to share their wealth with the less fortunate nations: "It is the moral obligation of the developed nations to

provide -- through an international authority -... economic assistance... to the developing portions of the globe." 10 The April, 1974 issue of Foreign Affairs, the quarterly periodical issued by the Council on Foreign Relations in New York, had an article in it by Richard N. Gardner, the former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for International Organzations in the Lyndon Johnson and John Kennedy administrations.

He stated: "... we are likely to do better by building our 'house of world order' from bottom up rather than from the top down...

... an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, is likely to get us to world order faster than the old-fashioned assault." 11 Even the Communist Party is voicing similar thoughts.

The People's Daily World for Thursday, March 9, 1989, contained an article written by Angela Davis. Those familiar with Miss Davis will remember that she was the Vice Presidential candidate for the Communist Party a few years ago. She currently is a member of the National Committee of the Communist Party of the United States. She is quoted in the paper as saying: "One underlying effect of anti-communism in this respect is to encourage a certain hesitancy to embrace solutions which call for deep, structural, socio-economic transformation." 12

Another Communist, Alexei Kovylov, spoke at an evening meeting held at Windstar, Colorado in August, 1985, and gave the participants in attendance a surprise presentation.

He spoke about the 12th World Festival of Youth and Students held in Moscow a few months prior to his lecture.

He said: "There were three programs. The first was political and dealt with the various issues of peace and disarmament.

The second was dedicated to environmental [issues]

and to the new international economic order." 13 The alleged need for a change in the basic way things are done is consistent with the teachings of the "father of Communism,"

Karl Marx. When he co-authored the COMMUNIST MANIFESTO with Frederick Engels in 1848, Mr. Marx wrote that the Communists: "...openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions." 14

Nesta Webster, a writer on the subject of conspiratorial organizations in the past, wrote this in her book entitled, SECRET SOCIETIES: "... the revolution desired by the leaders [of world revolution] is a moral and spiritual revolution, an anarchy of ideas by which all standards set up throughout nineteen centuries shall be reversed, all honoured traditions trampled underfoot, and above all the Christian ideal finally obliterated." 15

Some of the Catholic Popes in the past have commented on the major changes coming in the future. One such Pope was Pope Pius XI, who wrote the following in 1937: "Communism has behind it occult forces which for a long time have been working for the overthrow of the Christian Social Order..." 16

One of the Popes who preceded him, Pope Pius IX, wrote this in November, 1846 about the changes that he saw in the future: "That infamous doctrine of so-called communism... is absolutely contrary to the natural law itself, and, if once adopted, would utterly destroy the rights, property and possessions of all men, and even society itself." 17 Another individual who wrote about the future was Dr.

Jose Arquelles, of an organization known as the Planet Art Network. Dr. Arguelles wrote: "Also implicit in all these events is a call for another way of life, another way of doing things,... a redistribution of global wealth... in short, a New World Order." 18

Just what the future society was that these people are talking about was described, in a brief manner, by Marilyn Ferguson in her book entitled, THE AQUARIAN CONSPIRACY.

She wrote: "The new world is the old ~ transformed." 19

Another clue about what is in store for the future world was offered by Dr. James H. Billington, who received his doctorate as a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford University, and has taught at Harvard and Princeton Universities. He wrote this in his book entitled, FIRE IN THE MINDS OF MEN: "This book seeks to trace the origins of a faith - perhaps THE faith of our time.

What is new is the belief that a perfect secular [meaning worldly] order will emerge from the forcible overthrow of traditional authority." 20

That these future changes would involve force and slavery was confirmed by B. F. Skinner, chairman of the Psychology Department at Harvard University, in his book entitled, BEYOND FREEDOM AND DIGNITY. Dr. Skinner has been called "... the most influential of living American psychologists"

by Time magazine. So the world should listen to the professor when he speaks. The magazine told the reader what the message of Professor Skinner's book was: "We can no longer afford freedom, and so it must be replaced with control over man, his conduct and his culture." 21 Another student of these changes is Alvin Toffler, who wrote this in his book entitled, THE THIRD WAVE: "A new civilization is emerging in our lives...

This new civilization brings with it new family styles;

changed ways of working, loving and living; a new economy; new political conflicts; and beyond all this an altered consciousness as well.

The dawn of this new civilization is the single most explosive fact of our lifetimes." 22

Another scientist involved in commenting upon the future changes was Dr. Carl Sagan. He has observed: "It's clear that sometime relatively soon in terms of the lifetime of the human species people will identify with the entire planet and the species..." 23

The reason why these changes are necessary was explained by Manly P. Hall, perhaps the world's leading authority on esoteric words and language. He wrote in his book entitled, LECTURES ON ANCIENT PHILOSOPHY: "The time has not yet arrived when the average man is strong enough or wise enough to rule himself." 24 And he explained who he considered worthy enough to rule those on the world considered by the experts to be incapable of governing themselves. He wrote: "Never will peace reign upon the earth until we are ruled by the fit." 25

Mr. Hall even indicated that these changes would occur soon. He wrote this comment in his book previously cited: "One hundred years ago [meaning in 1884] it was predicted that within a few centuries men would revert to the gods of Plato and Aristotle...

We may all look forward with eager anticipation to that nobler day when the gods of philosophy once more shall rule the world..." 26

Aldous Huxley, in his book called, BRAVE NEW WORLD REVISITED, quotes a character called the Grand Inquisitor in one of Feodor Mikhailovich Dostoevski's parables as saying: "In the end they [the people] will lay their freedom at our [the controller's] feet and say to us 'make us your slaves, but feed us.'" 27

The Tucson Citizen newspaper of November 3, 1988 printed a photograph of a some people involved in a "march for literacy," and it clearly demonstrated that at least some people in America are now asking their government to make them their slaves. The picture showed a demonstrator carrying a picket sign that read: "Uncle Sam, we want you to support us." 28

Mr. Huxley gave us a date when we could expect these changes to occur. He wrote the following in his book written in 1958: "... the twenty-first century... will be the era of World Controllers..." 29

And then he told us why these "controllers" would not fail: "The older dictators fell because they could never supply their subjects with enough bread, enough circuses enough miracles and mysteries.

Under a scientific dictatorship education will really work ~ with the result that most men and women will grow up to love their servitude and will never dream of revolution.

There seems to be no good reason why a thoroughly scientific dictatorship should ever be overthrown." 30

Someone who might have given the world the date for the commencement of these predicted changes was Zbigniew Brzezinski, President Jimmy Carter's National Security Advisor during his four year administration. He wrote the following in his book entitled, BETWEEN TWO AGES: "Either 1976 or 1989" -- the two hundredth anniversary of the Constitution -- could serve as a suitable target date for culminating a national dialogue on the relevance of existing arrangements, the workings of the representative process, and the desirability of imitating the various European regionalization reforms and of streamlining the administrative structure." 31

So, the people of the world can now determine what those changes are that those in the positions of implementing changes have in store for them. In summary, then, these changes are:

The old world is coming to an end. It will be replaced with a new way of doing things.

The new world will be called the "New World Order."

This new structuring will re-distribute property from the "have" nations and will give it to the "have-not" nations.

The New World Order will include changes in:

the family:
homosexual marriages will be legalized; parents will not be allowed to raise their children (the state will;) all women will be employed by the state and not allowed to be "homemakers"; divorce will become exceedingly easy and monogamous marriage will be slowly phased out;

the workplace:
the government will become the owner of all of the factors of production; the private ownership of property will be outlawed;

religion will be outlawed and believers will be either eliminated or imprisoned; there will be a new religion: the worship of man and his mind; all will believe in the new religion;

The United States will play a major role in bringing it to the world.

World wars have been fought to further its aims.

Adolf Hitler, the NAZI Socialist, supported the goal of the planners.

The majority of the people will not readily accept "the new world order" but will be deceived into accepting it by two strategies:

1. Those in favor of the changes will have become seated in the very thrones of power, generally without the public realizing that fact;

2. The "old world order" will be destroyed piece by piece, by a series of planned "nibbles" at the established format.

The Communist Party is actively supporting the changes to the "new world order."

The basic tenets of Christianity, which were the base for the "old world order," will have to be eliminated.

If the slower, methodical techniques of change do not function, violence will be introduced and controlled by the planners.

The people of the world will give up their freedom to the "controllers" because there will be a planned famine, or some other serious occurrence, such as a depression or war.

The change to the "New World Order" is coming shortly, perhaps beginning after 1989. However, if that is not the year, it will be introduced one step at a time, so that the entire structure will be in place by the year 1999.

[Editor's Note: This material is being compiled in 2009 - Reality Check: As you read this material, evaluate what has transpired, and see if you can plot the course of the elite]

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