International Testimony

International Testimony
God Is Love

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The New World Order | Chapter 8 - The Author's Clarification

Chapter 8 - The Author's Clarification

The student of esoteric language and concealed symbols must study the being referred to as Lucifer, Satan or the devil in the Bible.

But before that study commences, the author has to take an unusual step and attempt to clarify his position on the subject.

I have endeavored to write this book as an historian, carefully basing my conclusions on my own research into the writings of the people involved. I have literally read hundreds of works on the subject of this book, and have attempted to record those comments as accurately as was possible.

Although I am a Christian, I have tried not to let my religious views color my thinking on the subject of this book. As I said, I have tried to write this book not as a religious writer, but as an historian who has discovered that history has been a series of planned events led by a conspiracy based upon a worship of Lucifer. I believe that it is possible to show that this is a fact of history, not as a religious writer, but as an historian. And that is what I have attempted to do in this book.

I have, on occasion, quoted the Bible, and will do so in the remaining material whenever the context seems to warrant it. At the very least, for the skeptic, the Bible is a magnificent record of the history of a particular group of people during particular periods of the past. I have used the Bible as I have used any other book, as a book of history.

But it has always been to make a counterpoint in a specific instance where the historical facts seem to indicate that the use of the Bible warranted it.

In this instance, it becomes important to start with a reading of a particular section of the Bible, and then show how others, not known for their belief in the God of the Bible, have also chosen to believe that section as well.

It is hoped that the reader can understand the significance of what I have just written. It will make the reading of the remaining material a little easier to understand.