International Testimony

International Testimony
God Is Love

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The New World Order | Chapter 34 - The Attack on Nationalism

Chapter 34 - The Attack on Nationalism

One of the things that Lucifer did when he fell, according to the Bible, was to "weaken the nations."

The concept of national boundaries is one created by the creator God. The Bible says this in Acts 17:24, 26: "God that made the world and all things therein... [and] hath determined... the bounds of their habitation."

So, if the designer of national boundaries was God himself, it would follow that those who are out to dethrone the Creator would be anxious to abolish the nations of the world.

And this is precisely what they are doing.

Professor John Robison, the exposer of the Illuminati, wrote that inside that secret society: "... patriotism and loyalty were called narrow-minded prejudices..." 636

And the reason that they were so considered was because the founder, Adam Weishaupt, himself believed in the destruction of the nation. He wrote: "With the origins of nations and peoples the worlds ceased to be a great family, a single kingdom...

Nationalism took the place of human love..." 637 And he proposed a solution: "Diminish patriotism, then men will learn to know each other again as such... [and] the bond of union will widen out.

Nations shall vanish from the earth." 638 About seventy years later, the Communists were quick to join those who desired the destruction of national boundaries.

Karl Marx wrote in, THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTO: "The Communists are further reproached with desiring to abolish countries and nationalities." 639 And the Humanists have also joined the chorus. They, too, have added their voice in the move to destroy nationalism.

The Twelfth Principle of the, HUMANIST MANIFESTO II reads as follows: "We deplore the division of humankind on nationalistic grounds.

... the best option is to transcend the limits of national sovereignty and to move toward the building of a world community in which all sectors of the human family can participate.

Thus we look to the development of a system of world law and a world order based upon transnational federal government." 640

Manly P. Hall, wrote that he shared the concerns of Marx and Weishaupt, and expressed the hope that someday soon national borders would be abolished. He wrote: "... the existence of contiguous states or nations has been the excuse for their exploitation." 641

"Patriotism is merely an accentuated egotism which embraces the members of the tribe or nation to which the egotist himself belongs.

Long regarded as a virtue, patriotism will yet demonstrate itself to be a most pernicious attitude." 642

Someone more contemporary has also written about the need to eliminate national borders. Zbigniew Brzezinski, President Jimmy Carter's National Security Advisor, wrote this in his book entitled, BETWEEN TWO AGES in a chapter entitled "International Prospects:"

"... the fiction of [national] sovereignty... is clearly no longer compatible with reality." 643

And Mr. Hall tells his readers that the future of the nation-state is bleak. The day is coming when they will be an obsolete remnant of the past. He wrote: "... we are approaching a nobler era when nations shall be no more; when the whole earth shall be under one order, one government, one administrative body." 644

So, the ultimate purpose of all of this attack on nationalism is to tear down national borders so that they can be replaced with a borderless world, a one world government.

The New Agers/Humanists/Communists/Masons want a one world government. They are confident that their goal will be achieved soon because they are creating the conditions that will persuade the people that they should adopt the world government when it is offered.

The family unit; the right to own private property; the national borders; the right to believe in a creator God; these beliefs will all be destroyed because the world must receive a world government supported by the planners inside the secret societies and the new religious groups.

The enemy has been identified. It is not the churches, the family, nationalism or patriotism, or the right to worship a God.

It is simply the belief in Lucifer.

Lucifer, the god of the New World Order, the New Age, some of the Communists and some of the Masons, wants to bring the world a one world religion, based upon a belief in man, and the unbridled power of man's mind and reason.

It is now possible for the people to know just what the new world government and its supporting religion will offer the people of the world:

The abolition of the family. Children will be raised by the society through the government.

The abolition of the right to private property. All land and property will be owned by the government.

The right to worship will no longer exist.

Religious people will be subject to rigorous deprogramming.

Those who will not alter their belief system will be forced into concentration camps, or simply killed, because the act of worshipping a God will become a crime.

National borders will no longer exist. There will be a one world government instead of city, county, state, and national governments.

All of the individual's private decisions will be made by others. The individual will no longer decide whom he or she will associate with, either in employment, voluntary associations, or in social organizations.

The New World Order is coming.

And the inception date has been revealed.

It will begin in the year 2000.

All that is remains to be done is to sort out those who will not accept it. Only believers will be around to live in it.

Unless men of good will everywhere act to prevent it.