International Testimony

International Testimony
God Is Love

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The New World Order | Chapter 32 - Russian Laws

Chapter 32 - Russian Laws

When George Washington, America's first president, left office in 1789, he delivered what has been called his Farewell Address. He spoke of many things, but part of that speech consisted of a warning directed to the people of America should they ever turn away from a basic religious view of mankind. He said: "Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports...

Let it simply be asked where is the security for prosperity, for reputation, for life if the sense of religious obligation desert?

And let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion." 618 The President attempted to warn the people that moved away from a concept that God was the father of all mankind, that He had endowed his creatures with rights, and that governments were created to protect those rights.

There are nations in the world today that have moved away from the religious concept of a Creator and those nations live under a totalitarian form of government. One such nation is the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the USSR.

Article 124 of their constitution plainly states that move away from God: "In order to ensure to citizens freedom, of conscience, the church in the U.S.S.R. is separated from the state, and the school from the church."

That provision in the Russian constitution is an exact expression of the philosophy of the New Agers/Communists/ Masons/Humanists, who are working for the same goals as the Russians Communists. In addition, Russian law adds some interesting restrictions on the religious rights of its citizens: "Religious associations must be registered with Government authorities..."

This is the reason that private school administrators and fundamentalist preachers in America have objected to licensing their private schools.

Communist nations register their churches.

Communist nations control their churches through registration.

Free nations do not.

America is trying to register its churches.

The result will be the same.

Other Russian laws say: "Religious associations may not... give material help to their members; organize for children, young people and women special prayer or other meetings, circles, groups, departments, for Biblical or literary study, sewing, working or the teaching of religion...

Surveillance over the activities of religious associations... shall be exercised by the registration agencies."

It is almost as if the New Agers/Humanists/Communists/ Masons had written the Russian Constitution and its supporting laws.

Th net result of the Russian Constitution and similar laws is that there is no religious freedom. The Gulags, the Russian concentration camps, house about 6 million prisoners.

It has been estimated that one half of those prisoners, over-3 million people, are there simply because they dared to worship a God in a nation that says it is illegal to worship.

So religion in America must be destroyed, just as it has been in Russia. The Russians have put their concerns in their writings, just as others in America have done so.

The Program of the Communist International, adopted at the Sixth World Congress in 1928, states: "One of the most important tasks of the cultural revolution affecting the wide masses is the task of systematically and unswervingly combatting religion -- the opium of the people.

The proletarian government must withdraw all state support from the church, which is the agency of the former ruling class; it must prevent all church interference in state-organized educational affairs and ruthlessly suppress the counter-revolutionary activity of the ecclesiastical organizations.

Lunarcharsky, the Russian Commissioner of Education, phrased it as clearly as possible when he said: "We hate Christians and Christianity. Even the best of them must be considered our worst enemies.

Christian love is an obstacle to the development of the revolution.

Down with love of one's neighbor! What we want is HATE... Only then can we conquer the universe.

Karl Marx repeated the same thought. Religion had to be destroyed: "Religion is the sign of the oppressed creature, the sentiment of a heartless world, as it is the spirit of spiritless conditions. It is the opium of the people." 621

And the Communists have attempted to do exactly that in Russia. Alexander Solzhenitsyn, the Russian dissident now living in America, wrote this as a warning to the American people: "In my country the communist powers took military steps against the Christian faith.

Millions of peasants were slaughtered in order to eradicate faith from the very roots of the people.

Millions of hours of propaganda time were used in order to burn the faith from the hearts of the children.

Despite this, communism has not destroyed the Christian faith. Christianity went through a period of decline, but it is now growing.

The political atheist literature maintains that Marxism continues what Christianity began, that it makes possible what Christianity failed to achieve.

But this [is a] sleight of hand.

Socialism [meaning Communism in Russia] is, in fact, absolutely opposed to Christianity." 622

One of the major tenets of basic Christianity is that each man has but one life, and that upon his death his spirit does not return to earth in the body of another individual. The New Agers believe in reincarnation. This view holds the opposite position: that the spirit of an individual comes back to earth in another body after death. Therefore, if it is deemed necessary that a Christian must die because Communism must succeed, those who share the belief in reincarnation have no problem with making certain that the Christian dies.

And the reason for that is because it is their belief that his, or her, spirit will return and inhabit the body of another individual.

This is why the Communists can slaughter millions of innocent people and show absolutely no remorse.

Constance Cumbey, a researcher into the New Age religion, has explained their views on reincarnation with these words: "The movement teaches the Law of Rebirth or reincarnation.

This is basically a teaching that man does not really die, but that he instead is endlessly reborn into new life cycles until such time as he perfects himself sufficiently to qualify for endless rest (Nirvana.)" 623

Another departure from the traditional Christian teaching in America is the theory of Evolution. This non-scientific "science" holds that man is nothing more than a higher form of animal, that he has evolved from a simple one celled organism.

The New Agers have carried the theory of evolution one step further. They believe that certain men have "evolved" to a higher form of mankind. This evolutionary super-species is one step above the rest of mankind.

"... the New Agers claim they are a 'new species.'

They have 'evolved' into 'Homo Noeticus' [the remainder of the human species are Homo Sapiens.]

They have 'evolved' by employing mind-expansion techniques such as meditation and the 'other techniques.'" 624

So, those who have utilized "mind expansion techniques"

are better off than the rest of mankind. "Smarter" means "better."

One who has written about the differences between Christianity and this new thought is the Masonic writer Manly P.

Hall. He wrote an explanation of the differences between these opposing religious views: "The Christian theory of redemption is unique in that it emphasizes salvation as attainable in spite of vice rather than because of virtue; in fact, the prime saving virtue for the Christian is acceptance of the divinity of Jesus Christ.

That a viewpoint so philosophically unsound could have gained so firm a foothold in the number and power of its adherents is more than passing strange.

Like all external things, it will finally pass away and be remembered only for that which it contributed to the inner realization of its devotees." 625

The Humanists have also stated that they believe that religion as an institution will pass away. The preface to the HUMANIST MANIFESTO II states that position: "As in 1933, humanists still believe that traditional theism, especially faith in the prayer-hearing God, assumed to love and care for persons and understand their prayers, and to be able to do something about them, is an unproved and outmoded faith." 626 And this is the reason they believe that: "We find insufficient evidence for belief in the existence of a supernatural..." 627

Since there is no God, man does not have to believe in religion anymore. In fact, "We are convinced that the time has passed for theism..." 628

And to show that those who wish religion to perish are in control of the situation, one has only to look at some of the events occurring in contemporary America. The attack on religion in the United States has already started.

In fact, ministers are being attacked just as they were in early America.

For instance, one of the earliest attacks on religion in America occurred in 1771. Three Baptist ministers, all from the same church in Ruther Glen, Virginia, were arrested and imprisoned for preaching without a government license.

Through the able defense of Patrick Henry, the ministers were acquitted, establishing for other ministers their right to preach and conduct church ministries free of governmental interference.

Yet, almost 200 years later, this same church was fined $250 a day for once again refusing to obtain a license from the state, this time for failure to obtain a license to operate its educational ministries.

An organization formed to fight such cases for the cause of religious freedom is the Coalition for Religious Freedom, located in Washington D.C. They reported in 1987 that: "the last 15 years have seen more religious freedom cases than any time since the American Revolution." 629

The battle lines are being drawn.

The Humanists/Masons/Communists/New Agers are waging war against the Christian religion.

The New World Order is getting closer.